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  1. NoMemory

    The Reborn Ranker Chronicles - Vol. 2 Ch. 118

    Be funny if the name he gave his black clothes skeletons is a actually working assassin group lloll
  2. NoMemory

    The Divine Twilight's Return - Vol. 2 Ch. 116

    I wonder if he's going to lose his wings now,
  3. NoMemory

    Second Life Ranker - Vol. 2 Ch. 88

    The fact he normally keeps his mask on 24/7 having it off in the rain probably a rare experience/ probably oddly enjoyable for him lloll
  4. NoMemory

    Seoul Station Necromancer - Ch. 49

    That's a brave motherfucker thou I suppose him dying to him so many times makes you used to it lloll
  5. NoMemory

    Seoul Station Necromancer - Ch. 37

    ... he's not gonna be a super fan of the Mc is he? And sing in a tank, right?
  6. NoMemory

    Seoul Station Necromancer - Ch. 37

    Oh you two lloll I'm surprised these chapters didn't cause problems, I guess cause of "master of gu" with China I worry about it
  7. NoMemory

    Seoul Station Necromancer - Ch. 27

    It's cannon in my head she just ignored her brother completely lloll like when I talk to my siblings
  8. NoMemory

    The Lone Necromancer - Vol. 2 Ch. 111

    That demigod passive probably one of the best thing for dealing with other people, constantly progressive debuffs just by being within a few meters from him is crazy
  9. NoMemory

    Legend - Vol. 15 Ch. 89

    Why do people keep fucking around to only find out dead the next day or be part of the goblin drool/gallbladder groups lloll
  10. NoMemory

    Bunk Beds - Ch. 74

    What a ending to catch up on lloll
  11. NoMemory

    The Game That I Came From - Ch. 233

    Alright, shit seems to be popping off all of the sudden, I was wondering if this sudden remembering will have something to do with that bloodline reward..
  12. NoMemory

    The Ultimate of All Ages - Ch. 288

    Probably gonna be a bit before I continue reading this cause I like binge reading but for my memory sake I'm fine with the mental image of the last page being his ending lloll
  13. NoMemory

    The Ultimate of All Ages - Ch. 288

    Damn shame that was his ass thou lloll
  14. NoMemory

    The Ultimate of All Ages - Ch. 209

    May be a bad byproduct of my gaming style, but I am a fan of using big heavy things simply using gravity to kill something lloll
  15. NoMemory

    The Ultimate of All Ages - Ch. 171

    I don't know much about childbirth but that'll be a hell of a secret technique for someone's eggs to last that long for a human, or probably one high cultivation if that was true lloll
  16. NoMemory

    The Ultimate of All Ages - Ch. 127

    Does this count as using karma from the past life I've heard mentioned of lloll
  17. NoMemory

    The Swordmaster's Son - Vol. 2 Ch. 103

    I weirdly love Mc sister's ( well this one, oldest, and Mary ) lloll in a way they're helping and protecting him
  18. NoMemory

    The Swordmaster's Son - Vol. 1 Ch. 21

    So that training would kill me, I have little to no strength control so it's either I make a noise that kills my ears, or I kill myself lloll
  19. NoMemory

    The Swordmaster's Son - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    So the family has ritual with swords in the ground everywhere like ( Ichigo bankai training ) but no matter how I look at her weapon I only see a weird axe instead of a sword lloll
  20. NoMemory

    Book Eater - Vol. 2 Ch. 106

    Homie about to take one for the team, lloll god damn shame