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    Candy & Cigarettes - Vol. 11 Ch. 54 - Stairway to Heaven

    Grandpa wad literally to chad to die, I wish we could see some interaction between him and the grandson. Another thing that miss is about the middle easter child taken by the terrorist.
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    Saint Rosalind - Vol. 1 Ch. 13

    For once she did a good thing?
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    Ogre no Aniki to Dorei-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 32 - Ogre and Populace

    the last intelligent ogre is the Grandma.
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    Ogre no Aniki to Dorei-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 31 - Ogre and Marianne

    this, "revolutions" are never made by the people.
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    Ogre no Aniki to Dorei-chan - Vol. 3 Ch. 31 - Ogre and Marianne

    basically French Revolution and Marie Antoinette, to remind: Marie Antoinette was innocent, they make up accusations and execute her. If we go there, the Queen was a good person even her war at monsters was made up.
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    Karakai Jouzu no (Moto) Takagi-san - Ch. 300

    fuckin based, bro
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    Candy & Cigarettes - Vol. 11 Ch. 52 - Battle of New Haven

    More that a jew (Shapiro) that want to stop the New World Order started by an Italian (Falcone)?
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    Yofukashi no Uta - Vol. 20 Ch. 197 - More Than I Expected

    if this is close to the end and we don't known anything about her mother and father if not that she died (the father nothing at all). The author will put out something about them right at the end to resolve everything...
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    Killing Me / Killing You - Vol. 4 Ch. 16 - The Final Grave Keeper Of Anek Doten

    this world has no where to settle for now there are just isolated groups that only the MCs can reach because they are immortal (the grandpa has just a ordinary old man), plus the grandpa didn't go to the graves for work, but to visit the graves of his son and wife's son.
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    No Guard Wife - Ch. 128

    Modest dress >>>>>> revealing dress
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    Saint Rosalind - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

    "I don't want to grow up" she was close with that, now she just need to surpass the trauma to find the half skinned face mother.
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    Ri-chan - Ch. 141.5 - Fanbox Extra

    I hope in a extra where he punch the shitty father
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    Candy & Cigarettes - Vol. 11 Ch. 51 - Death Atop the Skyscraper

    this will be a rush until the end
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    “Okaeri, Papa” - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - A Mother's Wish

    The MC wanted just a family....
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    Candy & Cigarettes - Vol. 10 Ch. 49 - Wall Street Confession

    The author knows a little too much... I hope that he doesn't end clintoned.
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    Rinjin-chan ga Shinpai - Vol. 5 Ch. 148

    It was a cute and funny manga. Bless.
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    Zeikin de Katta Hon - Vol. 9 Ch. 64 - A Laid-Back Cafe and Bakery

    for this, shops should have a stop-register time where physically the client can't buy goods.
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    Tsuma, Shougakusei ni Naru. - Vol. 9 Ch. 72

    we are 40 chapters to the end. this is just momentary.