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  1. alidn1415

    Hanninmae no Koibito - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    MC doesn't seem completely spineless which I appreciate
  2. alidn1415

    Hajime no Ippo - The First Step - Vol. 138 Ch. 1410 - At The End Of The Death Match

    Y tho that's so sad, besides we have seen much bloodier fights
  3. alidn1415

    Hajime no Ippo - The First Step - Vol. 132 Ch. 1338 - The Source of the Bad Feeling

    I think ippo is being presented as talented in boxing science, besides the other 2 seconds don't train takamura how would they know if he is stronger than before.
  4. alidn1415

    Hajime no Ippo - The First Step - Vol. 129 Ch. 1302 - The Tiger is Exhausted

    Bruh if ippo is punch drunk why isn't sendo, I'd say he gets punch around just as much
  5. alidn1415

    Hajime no Ippo - The First Step - Vol. 125 Ch. 1260 - Goddamnit, I'm...

    I think its because mashiba is a repeat offender, if there is fouls then he was most likely on involved
  6. alidn1415

    Hajime no Ippo - The First Step - Vol. 125 Ch. 1253 - Three Weaknesses

    My theory about iga and maron is that iga is naturally talented and is training himself but maron has some dirt on him, forcing himself as his coach for fame.
  7. alidn1415

    Hajime no Ippo - The First Step - Vol. 122 Ch. 1229 - You're Strong

    Good to see him suffer, dayum. Seek psychiatric assistance my dude
  8. alidn1415

    Hajime no Ippo - Vol. 121 Ch. 1213 - To Be Proud

    Yo guys it was clearly a gag chill
  9. alidn1415

    Hajime no Ippo - Vol. 120 Ch. 1201 - From the Heart

    No way I don't believe it
  10. alidn1415

    Hajime no Ippo - The First Step - Vol. 117 Ch. 1169 - Question

    Ippo is fighting back against his abusive boyfriend, atta boy
  11. alidn1415

    Hajime no Ippo - The First Step - Vol. 116 Ch. 1154 - The Line on the Paper

    I hope this whole punch drunk thing is like Takamura's detached retina were we suspect it only