1. It's been a while since I saw Kokuyou.
2. I really like the Kukuri of Shirahagi, those big clothes she wears make her look good.
3. No fucking way, first one dies (Kukuri) and gets resurrected, now someone else dies (Oriobana).
1. Que pinches exagerados el Kazuya, sáquese y váyase a dormir a su cuarto. Solo trae la regla, nada que no le pase una vez al mes.
2. ¿Y ese alien qué o qué? Namás le gustó el ambiente ahí.
Possible outcomes:
1) He passes out (either by shock or drunk)
2) The other girl enters the room
3) "Wait! we can't do this!" and runs away or smth
Either way, that bitch is taking advantage of him being drunk so yeah, what a dick
1. Man, second regular is such a nice guy
2. Aw c'mon buddy, she's dressed up as a maid, don't jump to conclusions, at least start with "maybe she works at a maid cafe" or some shit.