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    Decent manga with decent closure.
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    Iron Knight

    Honestly oneshot is much better than the main manga
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    The City of Imprisoned Love - Vol. 5 Ch. 47 - "City of Ai"

    This manga went from 8/10 to 4/10 really fast. Wait, he didn't even bang Yukiko who had her memories from all the days of their adventures? 3/10
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    The City of Imprisoned Love - Vol. 5 Ch. 46 - "Reunion"

    The manga went from 8/10 to 3/10 really fast
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    The City of Imprisoned Love - Vol. 5 Ch. 44 - "Self's Eye"

    I feel for professor, this asshole just came to ruin his happiness
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    Ura Account Joshi - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Case 12: Kamijou Moca (Part 2)

    This one was really god and not sad at all Also Belle Delphine yeah
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    The City of Imprisoned Love - Vol. 5 Ch. 42 - "Prison of Love"

    Boy the plot escalates fast. What the fuck is wrong with letting prof have his small fun playing house with AI? What do you fucking mean "AI is fake", she fucking isn't, as long as its her memories mainly she will be fine, and other memories will be assimilated over time. Fuck, even we loose...
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    This is really awesome so far, very unusual story makeup
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    Melvina's Therapy

    This is REALLY, REALLY good. Read official english.
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    Fetish - Ch. 5 - Fetish

    Well at least this one has a happy end~
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    Fetish - Ch. 1 - Our Vast Loneliness

    Was she a tulpa all along?
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    Damn this is some really unique and good manga
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    Hey, thats pretty good
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    Ura Account Joshi - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Case 11: Kamijou Moca (Part 1)

    Agree. Typical stupid glamour girl. There is so much of them. And all of them are as entitled and narcissistic as this Moca girl. Lets see how this goes.
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    Mieruko-chan - Mi(eru)teko-chan (Doujinshi)

    I thought that would cursed and/ro lewd. It was funny as hell and cursed :D
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    Mieruko-chan - Vol. 4 Ch. 27

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    Story is nonsense. Fights are...regular and a bit boring. Art is ok, but nothing special either. The only noteable thing about MC itself is.... That's fucking it. Also characters are non-consistent:
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    8.1 - Yamada Yuusuke Gekijou

    That was bad.