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  1. zebby


    right , but thats the story in short thank you so much for the summury ,and never mind the details anyway cuz whats done cannot be undone...@NekoJibril
  2. zebby


    yeah hahahahaha ... specialy @IsabellaOsa cuz he brought this upon him self
  3. zebby


    @IsabellaOsa i have nothing against you , but the mangle guy sure have alot of grudge for your discord server...
  4. zebby


    @Alpha_Salsa yeah you can belive what @IsabellaOsa says about me or check the ch 239 comment to know some details about is happening here ...
  5. zebby


    chapter 241 and 242 are on the way
  6. zebby


    @CorrosiveToxic true then if u see any of our future chapters pls don't waste you time i do this for him and for any one who haven't said that his work is bad ... ok...
  7. zebby


    just face it ... its only those from the demon clan discord how say that mangle is bad hahahaha.... that's karma finding its way to revenge thats all ...
  8. zebby


    @IsabellaOsa: "All YouTube translation in case anyone is curious" so why on earth did u accept him in your server any way ?
  9. zebby


    i do this for mangle so hehehe lets just say its mangle who do this ... ok
  10. zebby


    well from here on i won't say anything let the ppl qnd the nu,ber of view formangle decide the score...
  11. zebby


    hahahaha @IsabellaOsa check the number of view ... mangle is a good guy with a white heart as snow in the end what else he and i will lose ... well i will answer this for you : nothing you know why ? cuz he trusted u .
  12. zebby


    all thanks to mangle for doing this ...
  13. zebby


    maybe that orega guy ? @TheRealOdra
  14. zebby


    and who are u by the way ?
  15. zebby


    @TheRealOdra is that a the way to credit who help you ... hahahahahahahahahaha......................................................................................................................... lol i can't stop ... should i post the cover here too
  16. zebby


    he sent me a cleaned pages and i compared them with your realased ch thay are almost the same so you should consider his effort even if he deleted your driver raws... the point is he didnt lie and troll like you did when you said i was sleeping and i have proofs and .... and... pick a side man...
  17. zebby


    see ... the mangle guy have his point here , oh man , i want proof that demon clan didnt use his work in ch 237 right here right now
  18. zebby


    @IsabellaOsa: Oh dude ... Look, he said your sorry you will not return him his channel in addition to losing his email and many other things, plus he say that you should stop saying that you posted some of his videos in your discord rather he swears that you did not post any ,and I believe him...
  19. zebby


    look i respect mangle and i respect you too even if i dont know u but lol ... i checked that hulu channel hahahahaha............................. 10k subscribers for a google translation ........... hahahahaa................................. realy mangle is a poor guy involving in this kind of...
  20. zebby


    and one more thing you said "mangle came to us in our discord server wanting to help and in exchange we share his YouTube videos which was fine back when he had his channel" lol ,mangle said that you didn't care about his channel from the start , how much video did u post for him by the way ? 10...