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  1. fiN

    Bizarre Love Triangle - Vol. 1 Ch. 0 - Prologue

    Anyone else excited by the artist Name? Searching for a fellow man of culture
  2. fiN

    Tomo-chan wa Onna no ko! - Vol. 8 Ch. 895 - As If I Could Do It Now!!

    Misuzu, the hero we want, and the hero we need
  3. fiN

    Kono Oto Tomare! - Vol. 18 Ch. 70 - i

    Been a long time since the last time I get hyped for an anime adaptation announcement
  4. fiN


    Am I the only one who clicked on this thinking that this is the reversi from Bakuman? (the thumbnail was not loaded btw)
  5. fiN

    Hinamatsuri - Vol. 15 Ch. 76 - Everything is Rocksion

    but what did Nitta do in the future related to the rocksion tho?
  6. fiN

    Choujin Koukousei-tachi wa Isekai demo Yoyuu de Ikinuku you desu! - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - What we Lost, What we Gained

    Hey I like this development Always refreshing to have a nice human being on the opposing side
  7. fiN

    I Sold My Life for 10,000 Yen per Year.

    Don't mind me, just commenting here to add the number of people to recommend this masterpiece ?
  8. fiN

    Koi wa Ameagari no You ni

    anyone knows at what chapter the anime ends? I want to see the continuation of it