Oh no... does that mean Riri was ALSO supposed to be a main character?
Is this entire drawb-out arc the author forcing main character status on a secondary couple? 😅
While I deeply appreciate the TL, I HAVE to ask.
Mangasushi, are you ever NOT "running extremely low on finances"?
I swear that exact text appears on every chapter you release.
That is actually eventually explained, but it is a little bit of a spoiler.
It's been a long time since I read any of that part of the WN, so anyone who remembers better, PLEASE feel free to correct me.
"No way! This is all stuff that might be useful someday!"
First, I'm-in-this-image-and-I-don't-like-it.jpg :fml:
Second, every time she appears, I become more and more certain: Professor Tia is my spirit animal :win:
I wonder if there will be any "Ara Ara" vibes in later chapters.
The height difference made me expect it, but it was nice that it played out a different way