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  1. FluentInManganese

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 2 Ch. 15 - Mahiro and Party Night

    What? His breasts are getting bigger? NOooooo.... Also, how does the TL think that the "trick or treat thing" is cute lol; he looks like he's suffering as he's saying it. It's pretty funny tho haha
  2. FluentInManganese

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 2 Ch. 12 - Mahiro and a Lonely Night

    How can this dude stay home all day, never exercise, eat like 3 pizzas, and never gain any weight. Anime universe must be nice. Or maybe it's his metabolic genetics
  3. FluentInManganese

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Mahiro and Adventure

    @Tonikill1 nah nah, he has to turn back into a guy and THEN marry another guy. Only then can a truly beautiful bromance occur.
  4. FluentInManganese

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 2 Ch. 11 - Mahiro and Adventure

    That first page killed me with the cringe >.<
  5. FluentInManganese

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 1 Ch. 10 - Mahiro and Special Home Security

    Ok, how he handled the laundry is just inexcusable. Couldn't he have just gone on YouTube for a tutorial on how to do it? Not to sound arrogant, but it really isn't that difficult...
  6. FluentInManganese

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 1 Ch. 9 - Mahiro and a Girl's Vacation

    The cuteness of Mahiro is living proof that flatness is the best! ;P Also, while bizarre, I can totally see second year syndrome as a thing. I think my sister had it sorta as she and I were growing up... I have a feeling that it was when she was younger than 10-13 tho, but my memory fails me...
  7. FluentInManganese

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 1 Ch. 8 - Mahiro and New Game

    Wait doesn't SSR stand for server-side rendering? What does it stand for in this context
  8. FluentInManganese

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Mahiro and the Secret Garden

    @CuddleThief that’s amazing. Do you not get any split ends?
  9. FluentInManganese

    Onii-chan Is Done For! - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Mahiro and Identity

    BL is a great thing to read for both boys and girls! Bought by "mistake"? Yeah, totally ;P /s
  10. FluentInManganese

    Fukakai na Boku no Subete o - Vol. 5 Ch. 25

    @sirflimflam Lmaooo your comment made my day ahaha
  11. FluentInManganese

    Fukakai na Boku no Subete o - Vol. 5 Ch. 25

    This is like the third cliffhanger chapter in a row lol
  12. FluentInManganese

    Fukakai na Boku no Subete o - Vol. 5 Ch. 25

    Wait what? When was this @Blacktart
  13. FluentInManganese

    Shota Oni - Ch. 9

    @MurriHedas ohh lol, I see now. That backflip, though; actually pretty cool.
  14. FluentInManganese

    Shota Oni - Ch. 9

    Lol what is even going on in that last slide? 😆 At least he isn't roasting Tsubaki about his fake Jordans this time lmao
  15. FluentInManganese

    Shota Oni - Ch. 8.5

    @MurriHedas ahh, no worries. You don’t owe us anything. Take your time, and thanks for the uploads! :)
  16. FluentInManganese

    Shota Oni - Ch. 7

    @MurriHedas hmm... Well, I sort of hoped that the romantic tones would get a bit more overt. It's just that without it, there feels like the plot has made no progress. The relationship staying static would get a bit boring pretty fast, don't you think? That said, I do agree that having the...
  17. FluentInManganese

    Shota Oni - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    :O almost 10 pages? Amazing! No way! /s Hahaha, but in all seriousness, thanks the scanlators for getting this in the hands of the English audience! I saw the original on Pixiv and thought it was so cute. Even better now that I can understand it :)