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    Hana ni Arashi - Vol. 4 Ch. 44 - Back Then: End

    @ciaooo Continuity error in 10 though. She cut her hair after learning about Senpai's true nature, but in that chapter it's still drawn short before that. Edit: never mind, got the timeline a little mixed up.
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    Cheerful Amnesia - Vol. 5 Ch. 36

    It's always the time for mint chocolate ice cream.
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    Skeeter Rabbit!! - Vol. 2 Ch. 17 - Budding Feelings

    I don't think it was Uran's decision. He didn't seem too happy about it ending so soon on Twitter, and he mentioned having taken dance lessons in preparation for this series. Fortunately, his next work is back to elementary instead of middle school, so there is that to look forward to.
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    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Fighting Spirit!? The World's Flowing

    So her tan disappeared in the manga, too.
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    Mato Seihei no Slave - Vol. 3 Ch. 18 - Assault

    They actually found an in-universe way to deal with the contradiction of a slave having a harem of masters?
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    Tadokoro-san (Web Comic) - Ch. 36

    Nikaido-san, think about what you were doing when she walked in. Do you really think she could have not known?
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    A Manga About a Hero Who Pulled Out the Holy Sword and Became a Girl - Ch. 4 - A Manga About a Hero who Became a Girl with the Power of the Holy Swor…

    @Ari_yo If that's what he meant he should say it. Besides, hymen aside, what state is the rest of it in? I know what four times in a day feels like on the other kind of equipment. Surely that plus 7000 times from the girl would leave in such a state the hymen hardly matters.
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    A Manga About a Hero Who Pulled Out the Holy Sword and Became a Girl - Ch. 4 - A Manga About a Hero who Became a Girl with the Power of the Holy Swor…

    @Nari Not in any reasonable definition. Sexual partners are sexual partners. That's like the logic of girls who take miles of dick up the ass and want to pretend they're still virgins because they've had nothing vaginally. It makes no sense for a dildo to be a more essential element to MC...
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    1 x ½ - Vol. 7 Ch. 13.4

    @Pyoro Even if what we've already seen (starting to undress on the bed) is the farthest they go, it still holds.
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    Hana ni Arashi - Vol. 4 Ch. 41 - Summer Storm

    You can't have yuri without stereotypical drama, it seems.
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    1 x ½ - Vol. 7 Ch. 13.4

    This whole flashback arc has been bothering me. It doesn't seem to fit. Why didn't it come up earlier than it did? It clearly had an impact on her, for meeting Senpai again to knock her into flashback mode for so many chapters. Yet in all her original contemplations of romance, sexuality, and...
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    Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie - Vol. 2 Ch. 25

    It's mindboggling that there can be people who've never seen a constellation.
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    Isekai Ojisan - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

    I'm not annoyed he didn't interpret it as affection, since he had every reason not to. What annoys me is that he doesn't seem to have ever turned around and told her to shut the fuck up and leave. He just runs away like he did here. At no point does he seem to have said "people already act like...
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    Dagashi Kashi - Vol. 9 Ch. 151 - Kinoko and Takenoko

    What garbage taste he has, thinking that that one's the better of the two. I bet he likes skub too.
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    Mousou Telepathy - Vol. 7 Ch. 683 - LUL

    @chevan That wasn't sarcasm; both of those were in the original raw.
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    Mousou Telepathy - Vol. 7 Ch. 683 - LUL

    I didn't realize the Japs use "lul" and "gg noob" too.
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    Machikado Mazoku - Vol. 1 Ch. 7

    Why chapter 7?
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    Youkoso Genkai Syuraku He! - Vol. 3 Ch. 17

    Sure they are. Just genjuu here, no youkai to be found.