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  1. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 18 - Merchant's Speech

    oh, this is getting better and better thank you so much for the release
  2. greyleaf

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu. - Vol. 17 Ch. 225 - I'm okay

    she is not okay ! uh i really want to hug you manbagi .. :(
  3. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 17 - Sword Shadow

    many thanks for the release, finally haha
  4. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 16 - Soul Fire

    thanks for the release
  5. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 15 - Cooperation

    thank you for the release this is getting better, but still its scary af even if its just shen dreamland
  6. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 14 - Shen Dreamland

    what a beauty thank you for the hardwork
  7. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 13 - Sect Examination

    see, the f*cking kitty LOL bahahahahahahahahahahahaahaha...
  8. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 12 - Raising Soul

    @Gauvain nope,but i did hit a girl with a ruler till she bleed in the hand, her cries sounds very painful, and i regreted it , i never ment to hurt people, just teasing them, and if someone got hurt or cry, i would regret what i did well i guess thats the last time, after that i tried to get...
  9. greyleaf

    Shiawase Kanako no Koroshiya Seikatsu - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    is it normal if i want that kind a girl as my wife ? bahahahahahahahaha
  10. greyleaf

    The Ruler of the Land - Vol. 79 Ch. 571

    cant wait for cheon ma sin gun to appear LOL
  11. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 12 - Raising Soul

    guys, probably you wouldnt understand, since i am alike that beibei, when i was young i would tease, mock, or annoy someone who i like, the more i like someone, the more i try to annoy / tease them, and most of everyone got annoyed and leave me, when you raised in a no good family, with less...
  12. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 11 - Next day

    thanks for the hardwork XD cant wait for the next chapter
  13. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 10 - Frightening Sword

    uh, ... whats with that necklace , damn i have to wait for tomorrow for the next story @KuroAnsatsu nope, its not the pouch, he has that necklace from the start @kazamakj probably somekind like protection things from his parents, who knows, we need to wait for the next chapter
  14. greyleaf

    Heresy - Ch. 9 - Test of the Sword

    damn this one is good
  15. greyleaf


  16. greyleaf


  17. greyleaf

    Naughty Succubus "Saki-chan" - Vol. 1 Ch. 11 - Serving stomach medicine for...

    lol this is very nice , we need moarrr of saki chan