Thank you so much for the updates!
Ahh Momo-chan....don't run away. I love the guys. Their relationship is so strong! Such camaraderie. Tetsu's such a great house husband!
@Kuuroo It's probably not viewed as pedophilic since Japan has a lower age of consent than the US. 10 year age difference isn't that much when you consider a 27 year old with a 37 year old. People say you mature with age but that's not always the case. He seems pretty mature for a 17 year...
Tetsu really is the best! I wondered if Chika would be the one to go but maybe he'll be late with clubs.
I honestly don't think Momoya is in the wrong. He really is an interesting character. More background on Momoya!
Me too! I'm too hung up on karuta to care about romance lol. Please, please, please, just win one Chihaya! You worked so hard. I mean everyone did, but you're the main character and that's all you're good at haha so I'm rooting for you!
I agree. I love Momoyan. I love his character actually. I'm not a genius in any sense but he's just so relatable. I'm constantly getting in trouble for saying insensitive things, but then if no one says it, how can you improve? I don't get why people get so hurt over criticism...