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  1. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 265 - Change For The Better With Love

    Eldest Princess is hilarious as fuck
  2. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 255 - I’m Not Afraid to Die

    Prince Zhu's dad BAMF
  3. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 250 - Fleet Admiral Mu is Online

    Man, even the retirees, the old people of Beiyang are BAMFs.
  4. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 243 - Is Foster Father Mu a Good Person?

    Ah, I can't wait for this piece of shit for a son to be painted. Ah, how satisfying that would be LOL
  5. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 228 - Gentle Iron Fist

    The way Professor put down that piece of shit for a son pleases me greatly. Ugh.
  6. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 199 - The Sound of a Laugh Throughout the Universe

    Douzi's so done with Immortal Godmother ROFL
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    Iron Ladies - Ch. 185 - Dragon Queen Studies and Not Fight

    I feel bad for Seven. He's out here having feelings for our resident Dragon Queen.
  8. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 184 - Burning All Her Holy Blood

    Yes! Kick that piece of shit! Hooray for Sexual Impotence turned Trash Can!
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    Iron Ladies - Ch. 171 - Fighting Through Tens of Thousands of Miles, Going Over Obstacles Like Mountains

    Always love how the students don't give a fuck about class. Who cares about class! We want to see battles!
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    Iron Ladies - Ch. 153 - I Seek to Kneel Before Foster Father

    It's annoying how Zhu Zhi's on a high horse. This little shit thinks he' so smart, huh? Can't wait for his ass to get bitten :)
  11. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 148 - Leader of Dragon Slayer Alliance

    How in the hell did that douche even get to marry Himiko? Himiko really lucked out. Both father and son are pieces of shit.
  12. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 138 - Hit Me If You Have What It Takes

    The student is right! Who cares about exams! (Joke half joke)
  13. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 129 - Out of the Way, I’m Starting…

    Look at all those idiots assemble. Also, can a certain someone paint Zhu Zi (I can't remember the spelling of Himiko's step son's name)
  14. Z

    Metal Goddess Soldier - Ch. 128 - Drink Coffee, Eat Mousse Cake

    Can't breathe. Dragon Slayer Alliance got so brave when he died. Then this whole time he was chilling in a coffee shop I- Sucks to be them (LOL) thinking that they we've won
  15. Z

    Iron Ladies - Ch. 126 - Dragon Slayer Alliance

    Himiko's step son is, as always, so annoying.
  16. Z

    Hazure Skill "Kage ga Usui" o Motsu Guild Shokuin ga, Jitsuwa Densetsu no Ansatsusha - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.2

    Wow. I was not expecting him to fuck the Demon King. I was sort of expecting him to reject her or something LOL
  17. Z

    Kuro no Maou - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    That cat with the human face... I love it already.