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  1. scripted

    Saeki-san wa Nemutteru - Vol. 3 Ch. 21 - Post-swim Dozing Time

    @wolfeng Yes please a crossover with them is nice
  2. scripted

    Chihou Kishi Hans no Junan - Vol. 7 Ch. 51

    A G11 with a longer Barrel!
  3. scripted


    Overloading teh Tsukkomi
  4. scripted

    Herscherik - The Epic of the Reincarnated Prince - Vol. 2 Ch. 7.5

    This needs a continuation!! Goodbye weekend salary
  5. scripted

    Rokudou no Onna-tachi - Vol. 19 Ch. 165 - Akiba Rhapsody

    I wonder if people are gonna questions Rokudou's "tatoo" on his forehead Yeah saying this late as seeing his doll version also has one too.
  6. scripted

    Mr. Clice - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - A Vacation on the Orient Express

    Kudos to that steward receiving her orders
  7. scripted

    DINER - Vol. 4 Ch. 39 - Sandra's Berry & Geisha MURCIÉLAGO 13

    Did Franken Fran visit this crew?
  8. scripted

    Mr. Clice - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Clice Flies to Hawaii!!

    The Calico abuse hahahahaha
  9. scripted

    Ryoumin 0-nin Start no Henkyou Ryoushusama - Vol. 2 Ch. 8

    Page 12 Oh my!!! Sheks pahks
  10. scripted

    Magic Artisan Dahlia Wilts No More - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.2

    That last few pages are so beautiful and emotional.
  11. scripted


    Aaaaand we have lift off!!