Hmm. This author's really good at drawing thin, pretty people but they are VERY bad at Britney while she's fat.
As for the story, well, its faster than the other manga. Unsure why it exactly got a reboot but I'll take it, at the least.
Finne's mom is insane but this neatly fixes Baru's problem of being in love with Finne but needing to marry one of Rize's sisters - since Finne is a cousin of them, Baru could probably marry Finne with zero problems.
Thanks for the chapter! I don't mind the slowness - real life comes first! If I could buy the volumes I would, but at the moment I'm really only able to afford life basics.
I'm so upset for the Mangaka's situation, I hope she's soon able to get her assistant back :(
Regardless, the chapter was excellent. They really are a well matched pair, even if it doesn't seem like it a lot of the time.
Oh god yeah I HATED the I feel like I should pick the novel back up though since I forgot about I agree with everything else you said though. She's watching the game cgs and also, she didn't get to do too much in the first game! She got her memories back SO LATE and then the game...
I'm surprised, I didn't think it would go this far into the LN! It's been faithful so far so I doubt it'll cut out what I disliked from the novel, but hey, I won't complain. I like the story itself for the most part.