Even if it hurts I feel like she had more options to die rather than throwing herself off the edge: hello romance though of course cottoncandy hair didn't do it stay strong pink hair since clearly nobody wants to help you in this world sobsob
I think he is allowed inside because he is a trainer?? But they didn't touch on it in the story other than the shooting they were going to do, guess the place has very lenient rules
yeah yall talking important lore stuff but i am sadly turning off my brain at the moment to appreciate,, OH MY GOOOOOODDD WOOTHHH MY BABYYY IN HIS LEMONADE STAND WITH HIS BESTIES 💕:hearts:
It was always hinted Hong felt the same way with the pinning and obsession with romance he had after consuming her, fate just wasn't meant for them that moment, it was romantic :qq:
s havhsab vrdirwbvduwvmjkkn SAVE MEEEEEEEEEE DOOMED WOOODDDDDDD, the setting that is present has a lot of possibilities, so weir we are probably only 40% in the plot at the moment