It's been kinda subtle, but it's been hinted that the dev team are pretty lackadasical. Maybe not quite incompetent (though approaching it, IMO), but they're very 'shortest path between two points'. No dev in their right mind would make bug reporting only done through NPC interface...unless they didn't want to code UI for it separate from NPC chat functionality. They slammed it into the system they had set up already no doubt to save some time and a couple bucks. That and who knows if Korean law does or doesn't allow what you suggested with the IP search."Can't you do a forced disconnect, or do some sort of IP search to see where I am connected to the game from?"
[GMs, nervously sweating] "Uh...those would be nice features to add..."
It was 2 years, 2 months etc.. What the _____ is with that time dilation though, 1 hour would at the very least = 1 month that's insane...This setting writing is borked, remember 2 months in game was 24hrs, shed never be able to have this real time convo with tye team.
Also why cant they just gm disconnect her? Im guessing the grinning blondie has purposely set this up. Also she only has 3 days maybe 4 tops due to lack of water.