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  1. dylgramac

    Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun - Vol. 10 Ch. 96

    This was my favorite chapter yet! It is funny that Sakura seems less interesting now, mostly because all her stalking is just hanging out with Nozaki constantly at this point. That sketchy caramel apple scene early on… P.S. I love drinking Peppermint Schnapps straight, it's my favorite form of...
  2. dylgramac

    The Miko's Words and the Witch's Incantations

    For those interested, that sequel linked above is a single chapter (v1 ch3 of Sayuri Hime) about what the two side characters present in the final chapter end up doing.
  3. dylgramac

    Mahoutsukai no Neko

    Completed means the original has ended, it has no relation to translation status. In this case MU says there are 5 volumes composed of 33 chapters, all translated, just not on here at the moment.
  4. dylgramac

    Musuko no Yome

    Thanks for uploading despite the site fighting you! This is such an interesting manga, and I'm quite curious where it will go next.
  5. dylgramac

    Musuko no Yome

    It's weird that chapter 2 made it up, but not 1, 3, and 4. I was thinking you might not have the right permissions, but since you were able to upload chapter 2, that should mean you have them… Edit: Actually, it looks like you're just a member at the moment. You can apply for Contributer status...
  6. dylgramac

    Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shite shimatta... - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - I Enrolled in Magic School! - Part 1

    Wow, Bakarina has reached a new low of ignoring reality. Gerald talking about Maria, when he normally only takes about Katarina somehow means Maria is the first girl he's shown interest in? She actually noticed a difference from the game, and yet still it doesn't even register with her. She...
  7. dylgramac

    Request to be added to the "Contributor" role

    Is adding MU (and occasionally other) links a good enough reason to get contributed status? I'm requesting it for that purpose either way.
  8. dylgramac

    Official "Test" Manga

    I thought the ongoing status was a joke when I saw this ~a month ago. I was wrong.
  9. dylgramac

    Wakusei Closet

    Is that Takagi-san on page one of chapter five? Looks quite similar to her here: The bottom left panel of the linked page has the best angle for comparison.
  10. dylgramac

    Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu.

    Does anyone else remember when we first saw the younger siblings? Way back here: Same intros too.
  11. dylgramac

    Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatte Iru Darou ka

    Chapter 80 had made it to I know because I bookmark where I am in stories to use the last page to remember what was going on, and my bookmark was for c80.
  12. dylgramac

    Niehime to Kemono no Ou

    This story is so nice, I like all the interesting characters. Except the childhood friend. BTW, chapter 4 has a bit of a mix-up with the last few pages. I think the think the second and third to last pages got switched.