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  1. J

    Prototyping subtitled Drama CD support - feedback wanted!

    I do find not knowing who is speaking to be an issue. While the subtitles could address this by baking in names, it is imperfect, for the reason that characters may lack names, or have a several different nicknames in addition to their rarely used real name. The name might only be known from the...
  2. J

    RaW Hero - Vol. 2 Ch. 13

    Hmm... so it is a battle between two evils. Jelly E. Fish and her organizations are certainly not exactly the "Good guys". But from what we can see so far, the Heros seem worse. Interestingly we have not directly seen SALF or the Only Solution Front directly doing significant evil yet. Painting...
  3. J

    Have you checked out our new feature: MDList? Also, the new reader has been updated!

    The new reader now "works" with my iPad on IOS 10.2, so I've been able to switch over to it finally. I say "works" because the settings pop up does not seem to work, (will show up but pushing the buttons has no effect) but since the defaults are basically my preferred settings, this is not a big...
  4. J

    Beta site (v3) going live soon!

    Can you please fix the new manga reader to work with iOS 10.2? As I reported in the last thread it does not work on it. This appears to be caused by the use of Object.entries in various places in reader.js, which the version of safari in ios 10 does not support. A simple polyfill could probably...
  5. J

    MangaDex v3 is coming!

    The new reader is 100% broken on iOS 10.2, while the old one works flawlessly. This appears to be caused by the use of Object.entries in various places in reader.js, which the version of safari in ios 10 does not support.