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    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san - Vol. 9 Ch. 66 - You're just senpai!

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    Boku to Akumu to Oneesan - Ch. 6

    i like how the manga doesnt portray the bad people as complete trash. they still helped a child espace even though they were going to die... shows you real humans, that are bad people to things they dont care about (throwing trash in the ocean) but are still normal somewhat decent people on...
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    The Dangers in My Heart - Vol. 4 Ch. 51.1 - Young Champion 2020-17 Special Chapter

    @Eiji1012 this is obviously not that kind of story lmfao. short guys can get tall girls man, chill
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    Peerless Dad - Vol. 2 Ch. 135

    so he's gonna learn the other stances he couldn't figure out by fighting this crazy fuck? awesome
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    Fight Class 3 - Ch. 78 - Round 78: Lucky Day

    @gptemp8916 he hates his father for being a fighting cunt that hurts other people, and because of that, he becomes JUST LIKE HIS FATHER. people aren't complaining that his character changed out of nowhere, they're complaining that the change is just fucking bad. it's like making captain america...
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    My 3x4 World - Ch. 0 - 0

    i dig it. kinda like introspective perspectives in comics... sometimes only drawings can't relate all a character feels, but the way you wrote made the story flow well, kinda like a poem. please make more
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    The Witch and Great Devil - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    @Speedphoenix i mean... he gets a pass when defying the will of god lmao
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    Records of the Mystic Gardens - Ch. 18 - Father’s Mountain

    Pavillion head has got some tank-destroying thigs god damn.
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    The Girl from Random Chatting! - Ch. 127 - I Didn't Confess to the Person I Like

    so my take on this is that there is some underlying attachment between yuri and taeyang... in the least he respects her a lot and is thankful for her for setting his dumbass straight. he never bullier her, and she knows he had nothing to do with what happened to her, so she might still like him...
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    Berserk - Vol. 41 Ch. 361 - Crevice

    so SK isnt gaiserik? is gaiserik regarded by the people of elfheim as tyhe king? i remember puck saying that he smelled like an elf, but i dont know if that just means the armor smells like one or if he is an actual elf and happends to be the king of them... either that or he really is gaiserik...
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    Random Chat - Ch. 126 - By Your Side, Next to You

    @Huichelaar fucking same... yuri deserves better than to just chase junu around and eventually end up losing to hamin like those cheap harems that the japanese manga seems to like so damn much
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    Random Chat - Ch. 126 - By Your Side, Next to You

    @RainbowDoggo seems like she liked joon woo for a while, but she gave up on him because he likes hamin. i'm also tae x yuri just because she's the only one that never backs down from him besides hamin, and hamin is with junu, so i hope they end up together
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    @nbhstcqbvvpmacjrmv you have a point in us not being able to expect her to understand how much komi has come far, but being decet to other people you don't know, and not to judge people based on what you only think of them is a given. the girl started going off on komi-san because she clearly...
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    The Twins' Circumstances - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    That's a yikes from me my dawg. spending a decade and a half thinking you're siblings and then thinking it's okay to bone each other the second you find out you're not related by blood hardly takes this out of the incest tag by a technicality... i can't see this as anything BUT incest
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    The Girl from Random Chatting! - Vol. 8 Ch. 77 - BANG

    @Invader_Retro Idk man... sunga's best friend has always been a bitch and she wasnt redeemable at any point in the series. even taeyang called her out for being a major C when she tried to influence sungah on the "trip"... i think there are more bad guys than girls in the series because most of...
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    Gal Gohan - Vol. 7 Ch. 41 - The Confession Contest

    the main girl became a total thot. blatantly harassing the guy in front of his boss... basically framing the guy up for pedophilia ... like wtf
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    i mean, probably... but no one is stopping him from leaving the school. in fact everyone keeps telling him to fuck off... the mage at the beginning said that if he went to the tower of mages he'd be given all the support he needed... i just think this is kind of a waste of tallent (or i guess a...
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    The Girl from Random Chatting! - Vol. 5 Ch. 54 - Will

    yuri and hamin are both best girls. but her seeing that taeiyang isn't the complete and utter piece of shit that he was at the beginning of the story might end up in junu x hamin and tae x yuri (which avoids the harem route, that is stupid, and also avoids the dramatic end of "have to choose one...
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    The Girl from Random Chatting! - Vol. 5 Ch. 54 - Will

    @Rice i agree. about time he realizes that people disagreeing with you doesnt mean that you are a burden to them or that they hate you.