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  1. D

    Queen Bee - Ch. 332

    Hyemin is delicious
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    Pumpkin Night - Ch. 109

    It’s said she’s been taken over the Pumpkin Night and multiple spirits. It’s kind of weird but it works
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    Pumpkin Night - Ch. 109

    Yep and in the newer raws she has apparently lost her mind completely taken over by the Pumpkin Night.
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    Queen Bee - Ch. 331

    I’m surprised nothing bad has happened to Dali throughout the entire story. She has been plot protected up to this point and has gotten over with the crap she had pulled
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    Pumpkin Night - Ch. 109

    Naoko is still a psycho killer that’s killed a lot of people guilty or innocent so I can’t say I can sympathize with her but she was pushed to that point because life doesn’t want her to have a normal happy life. I read the latest raws. You think Naoko crazy now just wait until you see what...
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    Queen Bee - Ch. 331

    SuJung died horribly like the blonde haired Noona did probably even worse. Even she didn’t deserve a fate like that but she was too far gone
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    Akuma wa Rozario ni Kiss o suru - Ch. 8 - Resolution

    Source? Didn’t know it was being axed that fast
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    Daredemo Dakeru Kimi ga Suki - Vol. 5 Ch. 40 - Take This Seriously!

    Yeah MC will end up with Agawa at the end if we’re following the original hental. Only difference is this official version is trying to build an actual plot towards it until Agawa give up her ways and become a housewife once she gets caught and expelled which will probably end up happening but I...
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    Queen Bee - Ch. 330

    Dali needs more help than Pyo does. I hope Pyo gets the hint and get away from her for her own mental health
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    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 18 Ch. 183 - They Were the Boys and Girls of That Town

    That makes the ending even worse if Reiji did actually survive because there’s no indication
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    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 18 Ch. 183 - They Were the Boys and Girls of That Town

    The author got tired of writing this garbage story. You can tell he stop giving a shit
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    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 18 Ch. 183 - They Were the Boys and Girls of That Town

    This is one of the worst things you can do in an ending. We the audience got cheated for wasting our time on this terrible edgy story that didn’t go anywhere towards the end.
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    Boy's Abyss - Vol. 18 Ch. 183 - They Were the Boys and Girls of That Town

    What a garbage ending. That’s it? I’m glad I lost interest in this edgy borefest of a story long ago and came back just recently just to see the ending. Glad I didn’t miss anything. This story honestly should had ended a long time ago and felt it dragged on much longer than it needed too.
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    Queen Bee - Ch. 329

    So Pyo gets off easy
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    NTREVENGE - Vol. 4 Ch. 29

    You seem to forget that they literally under the demon’s love spell
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    Daredemo Dakeru Kimi ga Suki - Ch. 39 - If You Want Change

    It would be hilarious if this new timeline is all just one bad dream in MC’s head and we pick up where things really left off due to the bad ratings this new alternative timeline is possibly getting
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    NTREVENGE - Ch. 28

    The story is dumb but at least Asmodeus is actually doing actual demonic stuff that is to be expected as a King of Hell. My only question is why choose this lame MC to help you. As the “Demon of Lust” there are much better candidates she could had choose to help her regain her powers at a much...
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    NTREVENGE - Vol. 4 Ch. 27

    This story really retarded but yet I keep reading
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    Queen Bee - Ch. 328

    Now it all comes full circle. Pyo is the narrator
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    Queen Bee - Ch. 327

    Pyo will not the same even if he does get out. Dude probably be on pills for life and needs mental help