@DarknessAssassin I enjoy that you edited your comment but the spoiler was still shown 😂😂
I wasn't spoiled since thanks god I already finished this series
@apili04 I came here to ask the same question. Who's that guy (not the soccer team ace) but this dude with a twin and who's that twin?
Edit: So I made some few research and it looks like this guy is Kaguya's cousin and he beat Miyuki in the last mock exam. He was also there when Maki went to india.
@lorenalolo actually it's true. It's quite hard to explain but ego and other sorts of emotions came to this situation.
It's easier to cheat but you don't want your other half to leave you permanently.
Done rewatching the anime and re-reading the whole manga.
I've been doing this since it was first released in Animax. I watched the anime every year.
I think it's because I remind myself of Nodame. Eccentric and all but hoping someone will accept me.