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  1. Randomizer

    The Shocking Reality of A Loan Shark Collecting Money - Ch. 5

    Yeah, he was never the same after this hug.
  2. Randomizer

    Yonakano Reiji ni Harem wo!! - Vol. 3 Ch. 15 - The Secret Tea Party, Exposed

    Damn it, who the hell cares about your harem?
  3. Randomizer

    Freeter ga Jimini Isekai Teni Suru Manga - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - Freeter and manjyu

    @Zieg Yeah, they don't make chapters like they used to anymore!
  4. Randomizer

    Buzzy Noise - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    Being popular is stressful.
  5. Randomizer

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 11 Ch. 88 - The Girlfriend, Visiting the Parents, and Kiss 6

    But honestly, I am glad I am not him. Looking from how short she is, her head will be hanging around near my groin at all times. And I would certainly not like that, considering how violent her moves can be.
  6. Randomizer

    Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Vol. 11 Ch. 88 - The Girlfriend, Visiting the Parents, and Kiss 6

    If I was him, I would have punched my own face into a bloody mush by now.
  7. Randomizer

    Kimi wo Mawashitai - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Please add sexual violence add.
  8. Randomizer

    Kimi wo Mawashitai - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    I feel you too well, MC boy. Having your anal crack broken is tough luck.
  9. Randomizer

    The Big O - The Big O pixiv collection (Doujinshi) - Oneshot

    Some androids have more life to them than some humans.
  10. Randomizer

    The Faceless Girl - Ch. 3

    I am dead. This is too great for my soiled eyes. Now it's my dream to have no face as well.
  11. Randomizer

    Chainsaw Man - Vol. 3 Ch. 20 - Выпивка

    Бедолага не знает чего ему от жизни и желать.
  12. Randomizer

    339 Years of Penal Servitude - Vol. 1 Ch. 3.1

    I bet their tech does not change, because researching space goes against indoctrinations.
  13. Randomizer

    339 Years of Penal Servitude - Vol. 1 Ch. 3.1

    Religion is good! Religion is great! Believe in our God and His teachings, for it will bring you salvation! All of you are sinners and dirty rats if you neglect what I say. You will all burn in Hell for billions of years, because He is incarnation of kindness and forgiveness!
  14. Randomizer


    Awful chapter.
  15. Randomizer

    Tsunbaka - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Boon takes the bar exam

    What was this manga about... again?
  16. Randomizer

    Pashiri na Boku to Koisuru Banchou-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 34

    That's not love, it's just an attraction. She does not really care about what the "loved" one feels.