is it bad that i actually fuckin laughed at this dude's joke? i feel like it's because gyro's saying it, that's why i laughed a bit. i love him that much.
magenta pulled a kars :o btw, he's still waiting for diego even rn.
it also seems like this comment section is in a state to say the least.. i'll just stay quiet and keep reading.
well, that was extremely uncomfortable. i know he's a villain and i should have expected for him to do some weird stuff but.. jesus, it's still a shocker. wondering how DP is gonna go about this.
shoot yourself, johnny. just do it.
all jokes aside, can i just say that i just LOVE how araki portrayed jesus here? it's so eerie and i simply love it. it's absolutely perfect.
ngl, the part with johnny and hot pants makes me REALLY uncomfy..
but anyways, gyro got a girl teddy bear 4 his boy teddy bear and i think that's the cutest thing.