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  1. S

    Brainrot Girlfriend - Ch. 15 - Is this, love?

    Bro is jacked, gotta looksmax.
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    I'm the Evil Lord of an Intergalactic Empire! - Vol. 7 Ch. 35.2

    Thank you! This is one of my favorite series. I was shocked to notice an upload here that I could not find on In fact, I usually read it from there, but it seems to have disappeared? See
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    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 19 Ch. 163 - Youko and Kennyo

    I mean, these monks definitely eat meat. Remember that truce dinner with the nutmeg? The main dish was this big venison (deer) steak that Ken sprinkled nutmeg on to give Kennyo the chills.
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    Nobunaga no Chef - Ch. 167 - Lords of the Sea

    I'm so full... thank you for the meal 🙏
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    RTA Sousha wa Game Sekai kara Kaerenai - Vol. 4 Ch. 17

    Needs immediate correction extermination 💢
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    Mob kara Hajimaru Tansaku Eiyuutan - Vol. 5 Ch. 30

    I would be careful about over-correcting this mesugaki :korone: Syl is cute as ever :glee:
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    My New Girlfriend Is Not Human? - Vol. 1 Ch. 42 - My father-in-law is a therapist

    Gotta keep the bones strong with calcium from the milk.
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    Nobunaga no Chef - Vol. 16 Ch. 136 - Dinner for Each of Us

    Are the eyebrows Nobunaga's defining trait? :meguusmug: Thanks for another chapter.
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    Nobunaga no Chef - Ch. 135 - Nobunaga's Will

    Thank you for the huge upload!
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    Aru Hi Totsuzen Message Window ga Hyoujisaretan desu kedo!? - Vol. 1 Ch. 47

    Damn this is so blursed. :aquadrink: Pro: Read women's minds. Con: Risk getting stabbed for two, three,...hundred-timing. Never shit where you eat.
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    10-Nichi-go yandere ni naru gyaru - Ch. 7 - A Gyaru Who'll Become a Yandere in 5 Days

    I just realized this series's ending (count the days in the title) nearly coincides with the end of NNN... :aquadrink: :kreygasm:
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    Isekai ni Shoukan Saretan Dakedo, Nandemo Kireteshimau Kennou o Teni Ireta node Easy Mode Deshita. - Ch. 10

    Cool, 5.1 million exp points worth of SEGGS
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    Tookago Yandere ni Naru Gyaru - Ch. 6 - A Gyaru Who'll Become a Yandere in 6 Days

    Is she talking to him over the phone while flicking her bean...?
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    Tookago Yandere ni Naru Gyaru - Ch. 4 - A Gyaru Who'll Become a Yandere in 8 Days

    For her to go yandere, there has to be an opposing female love interest...RIP in advance.
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    Mob kara Hajimaru Tansaku Eiyuutan - Vol. 5 Ch. 28

    Thank you for keeping it alive :salute: