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  1. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 130

    Hyper for sure is going to be killed by letting some criminal go. Writing is on the wall there and would explain Great's current views. Sucks, Hyper is a boss. This flashback arc is one of the most engaging sections of a very engaging series. Humanizes and explains Great so much, which his...
  2. PanicTears

    Majo no Geboku to Maou no Tsuno - Vol. 12 Ch. 69 - The Witch's Servant and the Magic Teacher

    Or pregnancy causes a permanent status, at least while pregnant.
  3. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 129

    Gerbain is the most insane character. How'd this kid (...maybe she isnt even a kid though) get this messed up. Also nice to see SS/gun-kid was Kiriya. Young Great was so much more kind/caring than present.
  4. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 128

    After looking at past chapters: @tprat is probably right in that the SS kid is probably Kiriya. The right age in the past/present, same hair, same eye color, using guns, past connection to Great, Great in the present time implying present Kiriya holds back a lot and that he lets some criminals...
  5. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 128

    @tprat OOOOH. That makes perfect sense if its Tiny Kiriya. Same hair same eyes. Yup, good call.
  6. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 128

    Wonder who this new "SS rank" kid is. Wonder if they are still alive in present time or not too. SS means...they are damn strong/very high potential. Also Gerbain is freakin nuts. She wants to die?
  7. PanicTears

    Love Me for Who I Am

    @Akabane Gender wise not sex wise. Sex =/= Gender. Mentally/identity-wise Mogu is not a boy or a girl.
  8. PanicTears


    She's so precious... Taiga just let her be ignorant, don't let her be emotionally destroyed yet. Just let her have a good meal and remain clueless.
  9. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 126

    So, basically, there are three Ys in this chapter haha.. Also Gerbain's a woman? Didnt expect that for some reason.
  10. PanicTears

    Love Me for Who I Am

    @Adelsheim They do it because its the only way they get any attention/They need to spew their hatred to put people down to make themselves feel better Really pathetic and sad.
  11. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 124

    @soreln Ray is the Real Y/"mother" of Bear and also the mentor of Ivan and Stailey. Fake Y is the kid Jin didnt kill. Ray is an ally of Bear but not an ally of Great. She wants Great to basically "die" mentally/personality wise so Bear can inhabit his body/be revived. Fake Y...I have no idea...
  12. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 125

    Yeah...these two really really need to die. Having Fake Y there hearing this is probably going to bite them in the ass later on. His silhouette being there with them, when he really didnt need to be shown, probably means something. Also Great taking on the name G.r.e.a.t that connects him with...
  13. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 124

    @Fred23 No. But its more the fact that now we know Real Y was behind all this terrible stuff not Fake Y/the kid in this chapter.
  14. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 124

    Huh...guess I was wrong on the whole "Which Y is doing this" deal. Ray really is a bad person. Also means the other one doesn't have the body hopping ability. He's just...some kid who went through something terrible and now wants justified revenge and somehow was able to infiltrate this deeply...
  15. PanicTears

    Majo no Geboku to Maou no Tsuno - Vol. 11 Ch. 66 - The Witch's Servant and the Faraway Land

    Glad Rei finally feels comfortable wearing what she wants. That smile really is bright like a sun.
  16. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 123

    @Invader_Retro Great said they werent dead though in 115, Ras only thought they were.
  17. PanicTears

    Burning Effect - Ch. 122

    But the facial markings are still what the Fake has, not the real Y. We dont know who the fake is, could be someone who knew how terrifying Bear was when he was younger. We just dont have all the info yet.
  18. PanicTears

    Majo no Geboku to Maou no Tsuno - Vol. 11 Ch. 63 - The Witch's Servant and the Little Master (3)

    Not all characters have the same accent, thats probably the problem you have. Think Vivian and Betty's are supposed to be like Scottish or something.
  19. PanicTears

    Fukakai na Boku no Subete o - Vol. 4 Ch. 22

    @bobbybiracial Did you miss the chapters showing she is being mentally and emotionally abused by her sexist father? Still shocks me people expect an emotionally abused, suicidal, bulimic 12 year old to be the paragon of mature choices...