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  1. DeadlyShadow0

    Shichi Ha Gojuroku - Ch. 17 - farewell, nameless detective.

    but... will it continue to be translated weekly?
  2. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Ch. 30 - Mujeres que caen por el placer

    No porqué lo disfrutaría... Porque haría sentir bien a un pedazo de estiercol que merece un destino peor que la muerte
  3. DeadlyShadow0

    Teisou Gyakuten Sekai no Doutei Henkyou Ryoushu Kishi - Ch. 9.1 - The Great Hero

    Now I understand why the girls were so... enticing
  4. DeadlyShadow0

    Teisou Gyakuten Sekai no Doutei Henkyou Ryoushu Kishi - Ch. 9.1 - The Great Hero

    Thank you, I really enjoyed the chapter I'm not sure about this also, but maybe there's something more about why she rebelled and she also didn't wanted this fight, what if she is not the real enemy... Well Polidoro showing his prowess is very satisfying I wonder when Astarte will come with backup
  5. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Ch. 30 - Mujeres que caen por el placer

    well... you are right but sadly it's not that easy, Japanese would prefer suicide before they admit that they were a victim of "R4P3", that's why there's so many cases of "CH1K4N" (molestation/groping in the public services as they are always at full capacity)... so it's a cultural thing as if...
  6. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Ch. 30 - Mujeres que caen por el placer

    The same... Pero yo no lo dejaria escarmentar solo con lo que le suceda a la hermana (no es suficiente), lastima que este MC es demasiado idiota y no hace lo que cualquier personaje inteligente haria... mandar a la sucubo a checar a la amiga o a los enemigos que planea emboscar para recibir...
  7. DeadlyShadow0

    Juujika no Rokunin - Vol. 17 Ch. 169 - Slash 'Em, Stab 'Em, Carve 'Em

    they also got as a prisioner the model that loves Uruma, I guess kyou also have Azuma, and don't forget the other girl that meet everyone on the island, most probably also to use against Uruma
  8. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Ch. 29 - Las chicas después de que se resolvió el caso

    yo diria que esta bien puñetas el MC y nos lo ha demostrado numerosas veces, simplemente no tiene nada.... 0 inteligencia 0 fuerza 0 carisma 0 agilidad Si lo tuviera de frente le diría esto: todo está en la suerte (por el demonio) y ademas de eso es el demonio que le da básicamente todo...
  9. DeadlyShadow0

    Maria no Danzai - Ch. 26 - The Hunt

    just a strong dumbass that was used by the villain, and a very loyal one... I really want for her to break his stupid brain idea about how he was just seen as a tool and nothing more Dad was injured so most probably in the hospital, the kid... hmmm... maybe he is helping Maria behind the...
  10. DeadlyShadow0

    Maria no Danzai - Ch. 26 - The Hunt

    This is what i think will happen she put a lot of elaborate traps... or the arrow was dipped in poison, if I was her I would do it with pufferfish posion in 20 min it starts to take effect (but my guess... it's a stronger dose because it's not ingested), it paralyze the body so... even if he...
  11. DeadlyShadow0

    Hoarding in Hell - Vol. 1 Ch. 40

    aun no lo he leido porque esperaba mas capitulos pero porque lo cancelaron
  12. DeadlyShadow0

    Nezumi no Hatsukoi - Ch. 26 - Future

    Man for a moment I really thought this was how it was gonna end... good thing the MC stopped nezumi...
  13. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Ch. 28

    aunque la hermana no tenia nada que ver... en lo personal sigue disgustándome que se desquite con alguien que es ajeno a todo, y seria volver a lo mismo... alguien inocente que es violada justo como su amiga... asi que no haria diferencia entre ellos y el MC de mierda. En lo personal volveria al...
  14. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Ch. 26

    le va a meter sus poderosos 0.5 cm igual el personaje principal sigue siendo una mierda, de no ser por el demonio ya habría valido gaber hace mucho, desde hace mucho el personaje principal es el demonio no el ojos de botella
  15. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Ch. 23

    it's just the normal H content you will see everywhere in XXX pages nothing uncommon
  16. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Ch. 23

    after seeing this now... I can confirm stupidity has no limits... I guess... I don't know The MC is trash and the only redeemable character this far is the demon... So... The MC is stupid has no brain no powers and right now his determination is just in dipshit... it's irredeemable. I sure...
  17. DeadlyShadow0

    VERSUS - Ch. 16 - Amenaza parasitaria

    Fuck me di cuenta de otra cosa... si el rey se enfermo... entonces otros probablemente hayan sido contagiados de parasitos tambien... pero mi pregunta es como... si el tipo de las plagas esta tapado de pies a cabeza como diablos se infecto y de paso como logro infectar al rey... nombre que mal...
  18. DeadlyShadow0

    VERSUS - Ch. 16 - Amenaza parasitaria

    Fuck... las cosas se han puesto mucho peor... si los parásitos también se adaptaron a la plaga, entonces qué es lo que los detendría si logran tomar al Kaiju (Godzilla) aunque es radioactivo (es fuego vivo y eso al parecer no lo aguantan), lo malo es que perdieron a dos gigantes y al líder de la...
  19. DeadlyShadow0

    Kyougaku Koukou no Genjitsu - Vol. 7 Ch. 91

    Man... Why do Japanese suffer from success... Aleays leaving open endings that's just boring
  20. DeadlyShadow0

    Nezumi no Hatsukoi - Vol. 3 Ch. 25 - The Fourth Person

    It was sad that on the oneshot we saw Messiah backstory and it's quite ironic that the name means savior but she couldn't be saved... I'm not sure the guy will come alive from this one... but it all depends on where exactly it hit, and most importantly if the hit was clean (if not they make a...