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  1. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Vol. 3 Ch. 19

    you are god damn right Initialization takes up to 10 seconds...
  2. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - kmtakpk's Frieren Koma (Doujinshi) - Ch. 55 - Drunk Fern.

    This is Cannon and you can't make me change my mind
  3. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - kmtakpk's Frieren Koma (Doujinshi) - Ch. 34 - He's suffering (From success)

    Initialization takes up to 10 seconds... I can see this as cannon but will stark get embarrassed
  4. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - kmtakpk's Frieren Koma (Doujinshi) - Ch. 19 - Stark likes big girls.

    I think also Fern just heard about the BIG part, because she is making a menacing stare Initialization takes up to 10 seconds... Initialization takes up to 10 seconds... Initialization takes up to 10 seconds... I just love Derpy Frieren cat
  5. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - kmtakpk's Frieren Koma (Doujinshi) - Ch. 5 - Floral Stark.

    like a true girlfriend marking stark so no one can steal him
  6. DeadlyShadow0

    Juujika no Rokunin - Vol. 15 Ch. 158 - Kaname Manual

    Yeah that girl is the one that introduced them to this case, and now that emo girl will suffer for her alliance with kyru
  7. DeadlyShadow0

    NTREVENGE - Vol. 3 Ch. 19

    and I think you just summarized everything that is wrong with this story... and why we hate it, the MC is just too dumb to even pass as a MC, it's like taking a dumb NPC and trying to make him the hero of a story...
  8. DeadlyShadow0

    VERSUS - Ch. 13 - La gran presencia

    Godzilla apareció y todos sabemos que siempre ha vencido a los aliens sin problema alguno, pero que será de los humanos los aliens ya eran demasiado además aún están los demonios como sobreviviran a este nuevo desafío
  9. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - kmtakpk's Frieren Koma (Doujinshi) - Ch. 46 - Fern is (not) bluffing.

    Well eventually Stark will conquer his fears and do it... But maybe Fern will make him do it, let's be real their first time it's really gonna be awkward for both Stark nervous and fearfull of using too much strenght which will piss off Fern uncontained lust...
  10. DeadlyShadow0

    Sengoku Youko - Vol. 17 Ch. 99 - The Poem of Time's Colors in Bloom

    I really wanted to see all the families and kids shinzuke & shaku, ginka & tama, i think we only saw senya family my guess is he eventually give in and had some family with the Yuki onna. would had been cool that we could see the newer generations still know their relatives when senya visited...
  11. DeadlyShadow0

    Kyougaku Koukou no Genjitsu - Vol. 7 Ch. 88

    A few more chapter and it's complete 😏😏😏
  12. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - kmtakpk's Frieren Koma (Doujinshi) - Stark's nape is cute.

    but remember Stark has a lot of stamina, so Fern's fear of him will come back to bite her back... in the form of Initialization takes up to 10 seconds... payback
  13. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 13 Ch. 125 - Family

    I guess we will see more warriors when the south hero plot thickens, most probably when they get near the border of the war with demons vs the northern corps (the one that wanted to draft Stark into the battle)
  14. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 13 Ch. 125 - Family

    D Dude calm the fuck down... This is not a revenge story, Frieren was never the type to hold deep grudges against people attacking her (there were at least 3 denken, the one on the exam that attacked her with stark and now this one... the ones that we know) & for how she said about the guys who...
  15. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 13 Ch. 125 - Family

    Hopefully we get to see the same for Stark and Fern, getting married and having a family
  16. DeadlyShadow0

    Sousou no Frieren - Vol. 13 Ch. 125 - Family

    It feels like we are getting closer to the end of the Journey, but i guess we still have to see some moments like the south hero plan and the north company (the one that wanted Stark to help them in the war), also the demon that was hidding from everybody, hopefully we get to see the "talk to...
  17. DeadlyShadow0

    Heterogenia Linguistico: An Introduction to Interspecies Linguistics - Vol. 6 Ch. 49 - Where Is A Doctor

    Goatman is such an ass any other human would had started fighting him