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  1. Zonko

    MD Merch: Can You Dig It?

    As long as the T-shirts are made with good materials and the prices are reasonable I wouldn't mind. I've seen T-shirts for up to 50 $ on some sites. Yikes!
  2. Zonko

    Chicchai Senpai ga Kawaisugiru. - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    @Reversinator Him and Takizawa's boss would probably be good friends...
  3. Zonko

    Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 28

    Please author: Keep the fluff going this year too!!
  4. Zonko


    Don't worry bout a thing Dad, Tatty is the best husband your daughter could ask for! ?
  5. Zonko

    Strike or Gutter - Vol. 1 Ch. 2 - Bowling Isn't Popular

    It's surprisingly detailed about bowling despite all the extra thicc material... Not that I'm complaining about it though :)
  6. Zonko

    High Risk Mission Therapy - Vol. 5 Ch. 55

    What a subtle advertisement for volume 4. LOL.
  7. Zonko

    Zannen Jokanbu Black General-san - Vol. 4 Ch. 53 - The Hero Meeting

    Tough times for Mr. Serious Glasses... LOL Thanks for the chapter!
  8. Zonko

    Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! - Vol. 2 Ch. 22 - Kouhai and Sashinomi

    >I read this one manga (forgot the name, but it has a loli death god working in an office or something), where a supervisor refuses to accept work done by an excel worksheet because machines can be wrong (or some other bullshit explanation). @LChaos2 Is this the one you were talking about...
  9. Zonko

    Jahy-sama wa Kujikenai! - Vol. 4 Ch. 25 - Jahy-sama and Booby Traps

    @tanukihat Tell me about it... one time I played it she took Ifrit and Ramuh with her. YIKES
  10. Zonko

    Ano Hito no I ni wa Boku ga Tarinai - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - We're Home

    @DrWhoCares No way...Is she really that small?? Are you sure she isn't like 5.2 ft at least?
  11. Zonko

    Ano Hito no I ni wa Boku ga Tarinai - Vol. 2 Ch. 8 - We're Home

    @Nogoodnms Makie didn't wanted to let go his memories for Izumi, Izumi in the other hand wanted to be loved, if she wanted to eat Makie she would've done it a loong time ago. As for supervisor, she might release her or at least try to contain her in another place. Mitsuhara is happy to be...
  12. Zonko

    Otome Kaijuu Caramelize - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Su monstruosa majestad

    Gracias por actualizar, los grupos de traduccion en ingles abandonaron el manga, porque ya esta licenciado. En Estados Unidos solamente... y el resto del mundo que??? Gracias por continuar! ?
  13. Zonko

    Shougakusei ga Mama demo Ii desu ka? - Vol. 2 Ch. 10 - Mama wa Kaettekitayo "Mama Came Home"

    After reading this chapter and translator notes: Thank you for this and for your effort. Hope you continue translating this series.
  14. Zonko

    New feature: Manga volume cover galleries! Site usage has been increasing significantly over the past month, please support us!

    @Plykiya I'm currently working on Katekyo Hitman Reborn! or I'm using the ones at Comic Vine: so far they look good and even have the back covers.
  15. Zonko

    New feature: Manga volume cover galleries! Site usage has been increasing significantly over the past month, please support us!

    @Plykiya Yikes! Guess I'll finish my uploads at 1000 and continue with source size then.
  16. Zonko

    New feature: Manga volume cover galleries! Site usage has been increasing significantly over the past month, please support us!

    Thanks for this feature! Just a heads up: I found some covers and back covers on Comic Vine! You just need to resize them to 1000 px and they are good to go :)
  17. Zonko

    JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 2 - Battle Tendency (Official Colored) - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - Special Attack: JoJo Clackers!

    @kkcoo The character is frequently refered to as "Wham" to sound exactly like his namesake, however, this is a hypercorrection - while syllables ending with "u" sound are indeed used to substitute for single consonants in Japanese due to its phonetic structure, the name "Wamuu" has an...
  18. Zonko

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Vol. 2 Ch. 40.5 - Extra 10

    That was cute...and hot. Just get married already.
  19. Zonko

    Yomitai Hon wa Nai Keredo - Ch. 1

    I'm so relatable to that guy on the first omake...