mmmm ....
3 (+1baby) vs 1 army
solution: let's convince them by talking to each other ....... ????? seriously ? ????
o yesss ..... and the winner of the "stupidest idea" award is
.... all three baka in the forest = _ =
sorry if I'm a simpleton but all these talks about the factions don't bother me too much, for a couple of reasons:
1)every country in the world has in its history the proof that "humanity" has often shown its worst, and treason and murder are part of it.[takes a random history book...
sorry ,
since you are translating <Arafoo Kenja no Isekai Seikatsu Nikki>
in the future, will you by chance consider the translation of the "alternative" story?
<Around 40 Kenja no Isekai Seikatsu Nikki>
why I have a feeling like:
mc = 😵 a1, ...
a1 -> moves on its own 😶 (and seems to say "yes yes, I already know")
mc= ... a1... I'll tell you the plan 😐
a1--> ??? but needs instructions ?? 🤖
in some ways it reminds me of a certain slime with
"multiple personalities" [ in which everyone does...
the Einherjar Scans will continue with the English version, right?
[= _ = my eyes are bleeding after this port-eng / google 💩chapter ...]
the MC at the end of the cap has changed only "slightly"😂
ok ...
3 sister ---> "pervert" ...ok
living together .... ok
No blackmail or strange hipnosis .... ok
"ok x hentai stuff" .....
sorry , but .... why we need to change something ???
XDD ... "please" MC , tell the rich father : << change ?? hell , no .... ok , i...