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  1. cinic

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 55

    @Otaku713 The author updates every week mate, that means he updates 4 times a month not once or twice, nothing to comment about the rest, opinions are just opinions and everyone deserves to have one.
  2. cinic

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 51

    Is it correct like this?, I mean this first time I have to handle with some who actually was offended by people tagging her, at first I did it as a joke, but maybe I shouldn't do it seeing how much it can affect some people,sorry girl, hope you forgive me,I hope you can see my message one day...
  3. cinic

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 51

    @theilikepie Don't your are not that important so you can go back to the cave,you are quite stupid you know..., normally people just ignore this kind of things, never mind I will stop tagging you seeing that you are so hurt by this fact.
  4. cinic

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 51

    Author is a wretch,he made this story meant to be about politics and complex characters, and he just have done, well you see, just this..., still remember him doing a 2 years time skip just for this, not forgetting that fact... Each time I believe even more the fact that authors should have the...
  5. cinic

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 50

    I just did but you avoided them(provide me a good RATIONAL argument to why baek is such a great develop character, tell which difference you find with kirito), you just said they were with an extraodinary argument like, "too much words for saying nothing" or dowun actions only benefits him and...
  6. cinic

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 50

    One of my last messages in this one side character fandom forum, yeah yeah dowun bad bad satan satan satan , baek good good god god god.
  7. cinic

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 50

    Still spends the same time or even more time than me in this web(guess who is the autism, don't reflect your insecurities on me)(and I have a highly suspect you are too much of an otaku), guessing this is the only thing I find interesting out there Mate you are just a joke of yourself. After...
  8. cinic

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 50

    @theilikepie Sorry didn't know we have here the multilingual type of person...are you the kind of guy who says, well you don't know english,im not speaking to you, because you don't know any other language apart of english, did you remember me what you said to, ah yes,oh gosh are you 12 years...
  9. cinic

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 50

    @lainfec Best quality always, just need to still domesticating all of you even more, I just make all of you my little dogs with logic and rationality(but we still need to take the rebellious side of all you), all of you throw emotions on each comment, so nice😍,let me tell you, how does it feels...
  10. cinic

    The Flower That Was Bloomed by a Cloud - Ch. 50

    @Schwerer_Gustav who relies on political intrigues, leverages and favours to rise to power=>just defined politics dude. @lainfec @untilDeath @theilikepie be polite and salute the new harem member @Schwerer_Gustav😂.