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  1. J

    This Is an Obvious Fraudulent Marriage - Ch. 45

    Well he got what he deserved, as MC said he could have caused an international incident and the empire would have invaded again.
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    The Strongest Florist - Ch. 6

    Lol poor bear xdd
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    Hikyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi

    After reading some spoilers I've decided to drop this. It attempts to make kidnap , torture (cause princess training is described by that by MC and Banana-san) and potential rape (the prince seems like a potential rapist only interested in his desires and not in was his "victim" wants) as a...
  4. J

    Hikyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    Seems that suicide is her only way to escape...It started really well, but after this chapters things are turning to the worst for MC. If things don't get better, I'll drop this.
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    Hikyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    The prince should ban the Princess training. That would be a good start to try and convince MC to come back to the palace (seems that those lessons were true torture just by MC's and Banana-san's words xd).
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    Lady Baby - Vol. 3 Ch. 79

    Lippe knows how to troll bitches, so badass and cool.
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    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 39

    I feel bad for Elina, but I really hope she doesn't turn into a thot.
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    Koi wa Sekai Seifuku no Ato de - Vol. 2 Ch. 9 - Our First "Ahhh"!

    They send flowers and wishes of recovery to their enemy. I want these bad guys in my life, so considerate xdd.
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    Lady Baby - Vol. 3 Ch. 78

    And another thot ready to get bitch slapped by MC. Can't wait for the next chapter :D
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    A Common Story of a Lady's New Life - Vol. 1 Ch. 15

    Lol that list of punishments. I wonder what kind of life had MC before reincarnation xdd
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    Fiancée Be Chosen by the Ring - Vol. 2 Ch. 7 - Love for Her

    Danger, danger!! male thot discovered!!!
  12. J

    I Want to Escape From Princess Training - Ch. 1

    That thot's face because MC?s happiness so epic xddd Can't wait to read more :D Thanks for uploading this ^^
  13. J

    Sincerely: I Became a Duke's Maid - Vol. 2 Ch. 49

    She shouldhave smashed his head with the bottle of wine in the last chapter. What a piece of shit that prince is.
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    A Common Story of a Lady's New Life - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

    Lol, kneeling on the ground, and her reaction was hilarious xdd. Poor MC is gonna die of a heart attack xd Series should have been called: The Stresfull life of a reincarnated lady xdd.
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    Miss Not-So Sidekick - Vol. 1 Ch. 103

    I wonder why he took a dislike towards the heroine. Jealousy because Latte mentioned her?
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    The Duchess' 50 Tea Recipes - Ch. 37

    Finally that bitch maid got what she deserved, although she deserved more torture before being hanged.
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    Villains Are Destined to Die - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

    @Chiyamii I agree, she should have checked first that the reset button was active like in the game (unless the option only appears when she is about to die).
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    Villains Are Destined to Die - Vol. 1 Ch. 12

    It's so obvious that the plan of trying to die in the palace will fail. Hope it turns for the better for Penelope.