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    Shadows House - Digital Colored Comics - Vol. 7 Ch. 77 - A Choice with No Answer

    @wyzywyx tbh only starbearers get angry when hearing Christopher names, the others still adore him (Sara for example). My guess is the trio starbearers came out with -No mention about him-rules to protect Barbara from getting depressed/emotionally which led to her become an unstable ticking bom
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    Smoke & Honey - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    welp thanks for update mr translator
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    Smoke & Honey

    My grandma married at 16, no wonder 13 yo girls at that time already engaged lol
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    sugest me isekai or fantasy where mc have sex

    This will satisfy you
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    Shadows House - Digital Colored Comics - Vol. 6 Ch. 71 - The Invitation and The Welcome

    @thegiantpossum well they have plenty supplies of children from the village so no worry, but surviving the adult phase is much harder I guess so that's why too many failure in Adult's can easily get demoted?
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    Wa no Kage - Vol. 1 Ch. 5 - For the Shadow

    thank you for update
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    Wa no Kage - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Two-Eyed and Three-Eyed

    Aaahhh thank you for continuing this
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    manga with a beautiful world

    I second Dungeon Meshi, It's just a cramped hall dungeon at first but it will expand more
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    @TrueGoddessReincarnation Mods wont flagged your comment if you are not trolling someone, your comment is still here
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    Aircraft Carrier Ibuki - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - Codename Pegasus

    @Ced1106 I'm not sure about war but provoking a tension is pretty much happening. Last year chinese fisherman accompanied by their coast guard fishing in Natuna's water which is not in the claimed 9 dash line area. Those coast guard provoking a military too
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    Shadows House - Vol. 6 Ch. 69 - Reason

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    Another manga that is on the tip of my head

    does it have a plot like a supernatural girl obsessed with the MC, and a detective tailing on MC for a certain crime caused by the girl??
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    Rosen Garten Saga - Vol. 2 Ch. 6 - Rally ~Schwesternliebe~

    @daywithoutgames well if the translation is the king's wife or king's consort, no wonder translator took it as a queen
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    Best borderline hentai recommendation a lot of dirty sex jokes, art is stunning, fantasy D&D plot
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    Anyone know any good Monster manga?
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    Manga about school full of historical figure clones

    Anyone know this manga? It's about a school full of young version of historical's figure clones. It has a clone of Adolf hitler, Napoleon, Sigmund freund, Jeanne d'arc, and many more. MC is a boy and the only student who is not a clone to anyone. I don't remember the plot but it has action tag...
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    Looking for some ecchi/smut manga

    @TwoMane Note that you must activate hentai viewer first because it has hentai tag. But It's mostly a smut though and a sweet ones
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    Peckham Scanlations

    I'd like to recommend this one for future project cause it fits with what this group usually upload although its a sequel, it can be read as a stand alone 👍