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  1. Fallenstreet01

    Kirio Fanclub - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

    Really funny subversion of the usual love interest "coolness". In any other series, Kirio-kun would be the ace and/or captain of the team but here, he apparently sucks so bad the team made him a shirt with a special number just to show how terrible he is at soccer.
  2. Fallenstreet01

    Kyouiku Mama Saeko: Kono Ko no Tame Nara - Ch. 4

    This got really fucked up real fast.
  3. Fallenstreet01

    Normality and Monsters - Vol. 1 Ch. 10

    So you're saying that if I like pineapple in my pizza I'm a monster too?
  4. Fallenstreet01

    Haruka Reset - Vol. 11 Ch. 90 - A Secret Base in the Mountains

    This one is one of my favorites what-ifs in history: according to the records, had President Truman chosen not to drop the nuclear bombs, the other option was an earth invasion with over one hundred thousand american soldiers landing in Okinawa with orders to take the land and use it as a base...
  5. Fallenstreet01

    Register - Ch. 2 - What Does It Mean to be an Adult?

    "Oh my, this looks like a promising story about adults finding a second chance at love-" FMC is a highschooler "...and just like that, my interest in this has disappeared."
  6. Fallenstreet01

    Yojouhan no Ibara Hime - Vol. 5 Ch. 29

    God really hates this girl!
  7. Fallenstreet01

    Kirio Fanclub - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    Damn, anime and live action? This manga sure is a popular one!
  8. Fallenstreet01

    Is My Second Life a Healing Life? - Ch. 40 - Eugene becomes the Merchant of Darkness!

    So the mysterious black brew was liquid hot cocaine, huh? Makes sense to me.
  9. Fallenstreet01

    Girl meets Rock! - Ch. 37 - The Band, Revealed

    At this point, I'm just waiting for that chart to update Hato-chan's and Takami's relationship to "Rivals".
  10. Fallenstreet01

    Shihai Shoujo Kubaru-chan - Ch. 25 - Kubaru's Dad, Reborn

    Okaaaay, so she was in fact victim of domestic violence and her dad actually died from something completely unrelated to her... Honestly, I'm kinda surprised, Kubaru has gaslighted us for so long that we're genuinely paranoid over everything that surrounds her.
  11. Fallenstreet01

    Shihai Shoujo Kubaru-chan - Ch. 21 - Car Ride

    I see the craziness is hereditary, huh?
  12. Fallenstreet01

    Kimi ni Aisarete Itakatta - Vol. 8 Ch. 53 - Cunning

    Gotta say, to me Runa feels like the most normal teenager out of the quartet. She has a pretty good sense of social awareness to understand her circle's mood, much like Tomita's, however she doesn't have the security to express her real thoughts so she tends to internalize them to fit in the...
  13. Fallenstreet01

    Shi ni Modori Oujo wa Ikinobiru Tameni Yuri Harem wo Tsukuru Koto ni Shita - Vol. 1 Ch. 1 - I've Gone and Done It

    MC: "So, unless I seduce all the women who want me dead, I won't have a happy ending? sighs Can't be helped then." Sorceress: "Actually, I never said anything about seducing them..." MC, already trimming down her fingernails: "Too late, it's yuri time."
  14. Fallenstreet01

    Being Targeted by Hyena-chan - Ch. 31

    Please stop, my penis can only get so hard!!
  15. Fallenstreet01

    Have I Found You? - Ch. 3

    I felt this chapter right in the soul.
  16. Fallenstreet01

    Miyu-chan wa Zutto Tomodachi - Ch. 8 - Suspects

    Tell me, naked woman in the bushes, what is your wisdom?
  17. Fallenstreet01

    Favela no Mangaka - Ch. 2 - The City of Gunpowder Smoke

    Gotta say, I like how this manga is not shying away from the raw violence Brazilians tend to face on daily basis.
  18. Fallenstreet01

    Akari - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    Oh no, the real Akari...!!!