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    Kinnikuman - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - The Man From America

    This was a little experiment to see if the excellent translation of the revised art version by the @machineguns could be inserted into the original 1979 version of the chapter. For the parts not in the new version, I modified Toriyama's World's decades old translation. I actually had to...
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    Kinnikuman - Vol. 1 Ch. 7.5 - The Man From America (Remake)

    @Machineguns, what I meant was that I would like to have your permission to use your script and modify it for a retranslation of the original 1978 version of the chapter.
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    Kinnikuman - Vol. 1 Ch. 7.5 - The Man From America (Remake)

    Wait, when did Yudetamago redraw this? Also, can modify your script for this chapter for the original version? I'm currently redoing the Seven Devil Chojin arc with higher quality raws and would like to do other volumes of Kinnikuman in the future.
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    Dragon Ball - Vol. 35 Ch. 420 - Peace for the Future...

    @givemersspls I'll probably just do the missing chapters after I finish Kinnikuman's Seven Devil Chojin Arc.
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    Dragon Ball

    @Tcof The scans there are either poor quality with Comic Sans, or from the official release.
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    Dragon Ball - Vol. 35 Ch. 413 - Son Gohan in Agony

    @gormadoc Even before that there were the Kaioshins... Toriyama was notorious for making things up when he went along.
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    Nikuman Tabetai

    ¿Puedo tener permiso para traducir sus escaneos de Chinyuuki al inglés? Probablemente trabajaré en ello después de terminar con Dragon Ball y Kinnikuman.
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    Dragon Ball - Vol. 34 Ch. 407 - The Hell of the Cell Juniors

    - Cavery210's Soapbox - First of all, look at Dragon Ball Kai's dub. It is near perfect. And while Dragon Ball Super's dub may take liberties with the source material, I find it more akin to Ted Woolsey's work in the old SNES SquareSoft games than anything 4Kids or DIC dubbed. Second, about...
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    Project Z Scans is Recruiting

    I am currently working on Dragon Ball's Kanzenban using the old DemiKiller/DBZSubbed/Usagi translations. Of course, when I'm done finishing this solo project, I'll need some help for future projects. We need translators and raw providers for these series: Kinnikuman (Planning on remastering the...
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    Does anyone have scans for the Tokyopop release?
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    Dragon Ball - Vol. 33 Ch. 396 - The Cell Games' Dead Weight!?

    I'm currently translating Trunks The Story as we speak! Look for it later tonight or tomorrow!
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    Dragon Ball - Vol. 33 Ch. 396 - The Cell Games' Dead Weight!?

    The original text had Vegeta say "He still doesn't realize that he's the champion of morons?" I felt that this was a bit bland for Vegeta to say, so I added a little pun in the mix.
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    Blurry manga

    Never mind, I uploaded my scans to a separate PNG and renamed it to the page title. Now the scans are good.
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    Blurry manga

    I tried uploading Dragon Ball Chapter 396 with my own translation, but when I read it on the manga reader, the scans are blurry. The strange part is that when I view the raw .gif/.png files, they look good! What should I do?
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    If anyone has Toriyama's World's scans for chapter 12, can you put them up here? I can't seem to download them from the Internet Archive's version of the site.
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    Demon City Hunter

    Does anyone have scans of the two volumes ADV translated?