I don't know too many of the weird side comics of Batman but I swear I've heard of one like this. Where he tries to combat a virus in Gotham or some shit. On a side note, I know that it was either him or Superman where some cartoonist made them fight ISIS. Ridiculous shit lmao
Rip. He's always been a dick and we fell for him because he was hot but never forget he did "lose" to Hobin. Forced to job just like the wrestler dude.
Regardless of how bad everything is with that character, this whole thing with him/her wanting to meet Jagaaan and then wanting to be Jagaaan, then fucking meeting another person with the same "ideal" then stealing their body, is pretty nice.
Yeah the titties got me and then it turned into this mess. He needs to use his art for something more worthwhile. Porn or collab with an actual writer.
If they actually fight, which may not happen, Hobin won't and can't win. If they fight and he wins and this is a "he's not the real last boss" thing, fuck that honestly sucks.