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  1. R

    Yofukashi no Uta - Vol. 1 Ch. 7 - What's your name again?

    Damn shame, this started out really interesting: The focus on nocturnal life, the relathionship between the two MCs and being a role reversal gender-wise, the budding relationship... And now we just have our generic love triangle. I don't know whether the author is just lazy, or if they believe...
  2. R

    Joshikousei no Mudazukai - Vol. 7 Ch. 76 - LN

    These two are so good. Make me laugh every time. Love that strong bromance.
  3. R

    I'm a Villainous Daughter, so I'm Going to Keep the Last Boss

    It's a cute manga, but it definitely never crosses the 'wish fulfillment' category that isekai fall into. Like most female wish fulfillment, the heroine's vague plans are magically pulled off without a hitch, and half the cast become iiredeemable assholes to put her up on a pedestal. I openly...
  4. R

    Sensei wa Koi wo Oshierarenai - Vol. 3 Ch. 18

    Man you all are getting hurt but I loved this chapter. I highly doubt the author of the manga wrote this chapter thinking "the MC is nowhere in the wrong putting herself over her sister". In fact the entire point of that scene was to show that she's flawed, dating her high school student then...
  5. R

    The Result of Being Reincarnated Is Having a Master-Servant Relationship with the Yandere Love Interest

    I hope the lesbian keeps getting BTFO. Lesbians get away with sexually harrassing other girls way too much in manga/anime.
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    Yofukashi no Uta - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Akira

    Ah yes the other girl who will fawn over him and 'lose'. Really tired of this kind of character showing up.
  7. R

    Pseudo Harem - Vol. 3 Ch. 55 - Countryside

    It is very typical of Japanese media that they're this far and not officially 'dating' yet. Japanese seem to have this huge fear that if they hook up the main couple they'll suddenly lose all their readers or something.
  8. R

    A Lazy Guy Woke Up as a Girl One Morning - Vol. 1 Ch. 6

    Aaaah I like this manga a lot but it's such a pain waiting for it to get caught up to the non-serialized version. It's basically the exact same plot so far.
  9. R

    Shounen Shoujo - Vol. 3 Ch. 15.5 - Epilogue

    I'm sure the author felt very smart writing all of this.
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    Siscon Ani to Brocon Imouto ga Shoujiki ni Nattara - Vol. 4 Ch. 41 - When We Can't Protect Our Secret

    No one leaves that room alive except Ritsu and the siblings.
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    My First Love Was a Beautiful "Girl" - Vol. 2 Ch. 6

    I fucking laughed at how low quality the theme park was, then it was time for lunch and the food was all ridiculously detailed. Easy to see the artist's priorities. Anyway, I hope these two hook up in the end. Not only are they cute together, but I also want the added bonus of the country's...
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    Yankee-kun to Hakujou Gaaru - Vol. 1 Ch. 13 - Self ③

    This is some intense bromance and surprisingly heavy moments. I don't mind it at all!
  13. R

    Shounen Shoujo - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

    Is this an exercise of how far the author can shove their own head up their own ass? It's like they wanted to write some interesting method of critiquing modern society, or maybe just write an interesting story, but then gave up and got bored the final few chapters and just wrote schlock. Damn...
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    Shinobuna! Chiyo-chan - Vol. 2 Ch. 14 - Final Option

    Oh wow an update, finally. Thank you.
  15. R

    Siscon Ani to Brocon Imouto ga Shoujiki ni Nattara - Vol. 4 Ch. 40 - When You Think About Your Lover and Your Family

    It's a good point: Why lead the person you love, both as family and lover, down such a path that can almost end in nothing but misery? It's a heavy burden. The right thing to do is to call it off. The greedy thing is to keep it going. I want that greed.
  16. R

    Jun and Kaoru - Vol. 2 Ch. 11

    Thanks a lot for translating this again. Love it.
  17. R

    Shounen, Chotto Sabotteko? - Vol. 1 Ch. 9 - Shall We Stay Up Late?

    I love it that she gets serious and starts worrying about him. Adds a nice little new layer to their relationship and shows that she's not one-note. Also damn our boy is fucking thirsty. Was he holding down a boner in one of those panels?
  18. R

    Shounen Shoujo - Vol. 3 Ch. 13

    Jesus this is getting outright stupid. The writer is clearly up their own ass at this point. All the intrigue and mystery and suspense have gone out the window in exchange for pseudo-intellectual bullshit. Just end this trainwreck.