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  1. bagofsaltysalt

    I Don't Love You Anymore - Vol. 1 Ch. 16

    rubiel is cute tho... dont bully her sir knight
  2. bagofsaltysalt

    Sora no Yousei

    short and sweet tho i do wish there was more. the concept was pretty good and the art was exceeptional
  3. bagofsaltysalt

    The Flower Dances and the Wind Sings - Ch. 28

    @Snowpper im pretty sure she met him at a book store and he started talking to her cuz she knew some language. i cant remember which
  4. bagofsaltysalt

    A Common Story of a Lady's New Life - Vol. 1 Ch. 53

    HAHAHA shittt duke u dunce
  5. bagofsaltysalt

    Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - Kaguya Wants to be Indirect

    Lol the moment they mentioned her trying to remember the coffee I just knew. I just knew it was gonna end up being cat poop coffee lmfao @intmanga this is written for laughs and makes fun of cliche tropes with unnecessary drama and internal narration from the MCs. If u let it bother u too much...
  6. bagofsaltysalt

    Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen - Vol. 1 Ch. 5.5 - Extra Chapter

    @UncleRad haha same its hard to tell if theyre just imagining the scenario or if its the actual battle but im laughing regardless
  7. bagofsaltysalt

    Ima, Koi wo Shite Imasu - Vol. 3 Ch. 9 - Yagyuu-kun and the School Festival

    that was such a cute way to be jealous oh my heart
  8. bagofsaltysalt

    Ima, Koi wo Shite Imasu

    their so honest and pure (●ˇ∀ˇ●)
  9. bagofsaltysalt

    Ima, Koi wo Shite Imasu - Vol. 1 Ch. 4 - Birthday

    the brother. hes an underappreciated gem lmfao. and that last scene ugh im grinning like an idiot again
  10. bagofsaltysalt

    Yuukoku no Moriarty - Vol. 11 Ch. 41 - The Sign of Mary Act 2

    ty lime yet another quality scan and awesome chp. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
  11. bagofsaltysalt

    Blue Hearts - Ch. 64 - Blue Hearts

    not sure about anyone else but this soft ending was nice for me. it was very wholesome and I loved all the characters
  12. bagofsaltysalt

    Wolf Girl and Black Prince

    ...yeah. so that just happened. I kinda skipped thru the majority of it so dont take my word for it but it was kinda boring. also mc kinda dum imho. maybe ill come back to this someday
  13. bagofsaltysalt

    Wolf Girl and Black Prince - Vol. 4 Ch. 13

    〒▽〒 do high schoolers actually do and say stuff like that?!? that seems kinda terrifying
  14. bagofsaltysalt

    Wolf Girl and Black Prince - Vol. 4 Ch. 11

    ...bich i know u didn't just do that
  15. bagofsaltysalt

    Wolf Girl and Black Prince - Vol. 2 Ch. 7

    what. what the heck? love cant be that blind right?
  16. bagofsaltysalt

    Wolf Girl and Black Prince - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    the embarrassment i feel just from reading one chapter is astounding
  17. bagofsaltysalt

    Honey Lemon Soda - Vol. 13 Ch. 48

    paws off boy
  18. bagofsaltysalt

    Meow! Please Help, Manager!

    @alicerulean thank you for the update and the scans so far. we rly appreciate your work. and is there a specific group that is planning pick this up or is it just for anyone interested. in any case i hope you wont be too exhausted from school anymore.
  19. bagofsaltysalt

    Queen of Hearts in Wonderland - Vol. 1 Ch. 4.2 - Fate

    kekek im liking this more and more ufuhuhuhu
  20. bagofsaltysalt

    Honey Lemon Soda - Vol. 11 Ch. 43

    holy shit, best wingmen ever