Oooh ... I remember "The Spider's Thread" being referenced in Erased, though it was a bit more sinister there.
I'm going to be sad when Pleasantly Depressing Grandpa croaks. And I'm slightly chagrined that Okura-kun survived the headless katydid attack.
Well, I'm sure it's just purely by coincidence that she's using the sister's name as her streetwalking identity. Completely innocent. There have to be a million Rikos just within a few square blocks' radius of where they're standing.
For a longer, depressing version of this story, allow me to point the way to the works of Nagata Kabi ...
So wait ... the motorcycle chick is the "bad girl"? Where does that leave choking rapey chick?
And is man-chick going to look that confused by everything for the duration of the story?
I'm already lost, and it's only the prologue!
Well, this guy has a face, so you know he's trouble. I wonder if it's going to be "misunderstanding" trouble, or "holy shit, this guy is actually pursuing Potato" trouble.