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    The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 4

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    The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 3

    She is a true villainess - beautiful, intelligent and brutal.
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    The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 2

    Yeah, this is a true villainess. and a smart one at tghat!
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    The Villainess Lives Again - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Im reading this again after ~4 years. I dropped it around chapter 60 back then Cuz Mdex went down or something happened to Sawa Team. I'm finally re-reading it again, after doing the same the Monstrous Duke's daughter. I know this is a masterpiece!
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    Yakuza Reincarnation - Ch. 47 - Salvation

    Ryuu needs many more allies now. She already has a lot, but she's travelling in a very small group. Hopefully the others can give her some political support from her maniacal brother
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    Jii-san to Baa-san Wakagaeru - Vol. 5 Ch. 97 - Plan

    Thank you for the chapter. I hope everything works out with the bike - love your translations!
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    The Holy Grail of Eris - Vol. 11 Ch. 53 - It Can Be Cruel at Times

    Its understandable that Scarlett is feeling down, i would too. And i would be fuming even more. i wonder if her brother knows about it
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    The Holy Grail of Eris - Vol. 11 Ch. 52 - Ernst Adelbide's Reminiscence (Part 3)

    The previous generations of the holder of power were grossly incompetent. How come they dont have an intelligence bureau? How come they dont secretly assassinate Dalkian and blame it on someone? There's not much hope for the new generation of power holders, bar a few, especially that moronic...
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    Isekai Yakkyoku - Ch. 55 - Palle and the Parallel World Pharmacy

    Palle was sooo annoying, but Farma checkmated him
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    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 93

    Ofc the silver haired are the rightful wielders of that power! And i bet you that her power was used to stop that disease
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    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 92

    Started out light hearted and fun with Tepentel being out trolled and ended on a dark note. really exciting development! Did they fuck up the genealogy by sacrificing those poor kids`?
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    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 91

    TEpentel is such a troll 🤣
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    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 90

    Naw, fuck that and fuck you Medea!
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    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 89

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    We Shall Now Begin Ethics. - Vol. 8 Ch. 39 - Belief

    TYSM for translating his, it doesnt go unnoticed or un-appreciated - please keep em coming! This is one of my favorite mangas, he always helps people that either seek it out or not and intentionally or unintentionally. I wish they had spoken about Hinduism too, but ig Buddhism is an off-shoot
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    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 88

    Aww, its so cute how she thinks she can protect him. Consten seems like a good lad
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    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 87

    DOnt fuck with Kevin Hart!
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    Jii-san to Baa-san Wakagaeru - Vol. 4 Ch. 96 - Welcome Back

    I loved the anime, but this is still miiiiiles better! Tysm guys, for still continuing with this masterpiece! much love ❤
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    The Monstrous Duke's Adopted Daughter - Ch. 86

    LMFAO, why does that idiot Medea think she can get Arlendo to marry with our Leslie? no chance in hell