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  1. Lxpiz

    KAKAO 79% - Ch. 162 - Uninvited Guests (3)

    I think both sides should understand each other first ://
  2. Lxpiz

    Circle Zero's Otherworldly Hero Business - Ch. 15 - Trap

    Im dying at these pasta comments
  3. Lxpiz

    Goddess Creation System

    @reika haha who knows x3 I've only bought raws up to that certain point
  4. Lxpiz

    Black Feather Love Song - Ch. 1 - Black Cat

    @silverdust im pretty sure its the same artist >;d
  5. Lxpiz

    Black Feather Love Song

    yay its finally being translated!
  6. Lxpiz

    Distancia ~ The Untouchable One ~ - Ch. 59

    *Insert lenny face*
  7. Lxpiz

    I'm Becoming a Master of the Imperial Palace! - Vol. 1 Ch. 62

    very sorry guys for late release!
  8. Lxpiz

    Doctor Elise

    Is there a novel to this?? ;3
  9. Lxpiz

    Wanting to Touch You - Ch. 42

    Why on a cliff hanger ;C
  10. Lxpiz

    Goddess Creation System

    Hi guys! I'm here to say LLS, is thinking of dropping this between ch147-150 ish. We might no longer proceed to do this, if you wish to take this project on please wait until we upload to ch147 or at least contact us.
  11. Lxpiz

    Transmigration Journal : The making of a Star

    @Insanity101 we’re considering on picking it up :3
  12. Lxpiz

    Uramichi Oniisan - Vol. 2 Ch. 15 - That thing I can’t remember

    I relate too much to this guy :')
  13. Lxpiz

    The Hero is a Girl?! - Ch. 24 - Daily things that never happened

    Hi I’m the Qcer, I’m also major confused on what’s happening but I get the twist. Everything is going very fast paced and they showed no remorse for the boys death :/ I also looked through the raws and it Gets even more confusing
  14. Lxpiz

    Princess Agent - Ch. 3.6

    @MrX actually, we’ll be dropping this from now on... sorry :/
  15. Lxpiz

    I'm Becoming a Master of the Imperial Palace! - Vol. 1 Ch. 60

    @subzeroquezect Thanks for pointing them out, I will correct them >-<
  16. Lxpiz

    Koushaku Reijou no Tashinami - Vol. 5 Ch. 40.2

    AhH Ive read the novel but having it drawn out makes me heart go UuuWuuU
  17. Lxpiz

    The Hero is a Girl?! - Ch. 19 - A Crazy Night

    Hi~! We're going to try and update this every 2 days with either 2 chapters a release or 1. We'll try our best to do both quality and quantity
  18. Lxpiz

    Chichi Chichi

    those thumbnail boobs are bigger than what ill ever achieve in life