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    Ore no Genjitsu wa Ren’ai Game??: ka to Omottara Inochigake no Game datta - Vol. 11 Ch. 42 - Black Ball (8)

    A question just came up in my mind: What happens if a quest becomes impossible? Like lets say to finish the quest, Bombgirl needs to live. But what if he sets a savepoint after her death? Was there anything mentioned about that in the earlier chapters?
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    JK-chan and Her Classmate's Mom - Ch. 14 - Looking Back

    Ok, i am CONVINCED there is some deaper meaning / ecchi joke somewhere behind the fact she has 2 Pokemon (represented by the 2 Pokeballs) in the dreamsequence, but i just cant figure it out. Am i missing something? Or am i just going crazy and paranoid after years of poisoni- i mean cultivating...
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    Narikawari - Vol. 4 Ch. 41.5 - Savage Possession Chapter

    So lets say someone posesses another body, takes drugs in that body, and then switches back. Of course the physical effects / addiction wont be carried over since only the mind gets transported. But what about the psychological addiction? Even if its no physical need for the drug, the...
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    Summertime Rendering - Vol. 13 Ch. 139

    So, do i get this right? - They travel back, erase Hiruko aka Shadow-Mommy aka the whale, so the whole stuff with shadows never happens. - Ushio travels to the point where Shinpei comes back to the island, leading to the moment from the first chapter where she gives him that eye and the memories...
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    The 100 Girlfriends Who Really, Really, Really, Really, Really Love You - Vol. 6 Ch. 46 - Hearts, Ready or Not! Hide-and-seek in the School

    Still waiting for a full-on tomboy / "girl looking like hot guy" trap kinda girl! Would be interesting to see her getting integrated into the family. I mean, with 100 girlfriends, at least one of them has to fall into this category, right?
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    Ane Naru Mono - Vol. 6 Ch. 37

    I really hope we will get a bit more info on her backstory. Also, at this point i still kinda wonder about the motivation behind her behaviour. Is the whole "lovely older sister" act still only part of the deal she made with him, or did she grew to genuinely feel that way? Oh, and this chapter...
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    My Lovey-Dovey Wife is a Stone-Cold Killer - Ch. 15

    Now i really want to see how she told him about her job. :D @Ari2142 We'll get em next time!
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    Kon'ya wa Tsuki ga Kirei desu ga, Toriaezu Shine - last - - Vol. 5 Ch. 20 - Looter

    Getting Joy-instantkill through the arm-transplantation? Ok. Just staple on Etou´s hand to get her strenght and have full control over her hand? Bit weird, but well, may as well accept that. But when the holy fuck did Hayashi turn into a power-vampire that could just take in other peoples...
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    Kanojo mo Kanojo - Vol. 5 Ch. 43 - I'll Live With You!

    Not that i want to complain or anything, but i hoped for a bit more of a reaction from Shino when Vlog-Girl openly admitted his love for Naoya. Like freeking out that he has yet another girl waiting for him. Or maybe even beeing impressed by seeing his good intentions, since rejecting Vlog-Girl...
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    Batuque - Vol. 11 Ch. 99 - Ambush And Revenge

    Tetsus build though ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Also: Iron God Slayer Tetsuma confirmed!
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    Monkey Peak - Vol. 6 Ch. 51 - Mitsukura Cabin

    Since we are back at the "there is a traitor" topic: Maybe i just forgot it, but was it ever brought up who had proposed the whole trip? After all, it doesnt seem like those monkeys were shipped onto the mountin just before the trip, its more like they are native to the mountain (not to forget...
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    5 Fungo no Sekai - Vol. 7 Ch. 66 - The World After Five Minutes

    While it wasnt the best manga i have read, it also wasnt the worst. Still, i agree that the ending felt a bit rushed and also left a few plotthreads hanging: - The whole deal with Michirus Diary about that book that was apperantly written by the older twin buddah. That was more or less just...
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    -> Acts like he doesnt want to crossdress. -> Gets pouty once he assumes his GF is focussed on boobsize. Not helping your case there buddy. :P No hate though, i wish i could pull of crossdressing like that without looking like a dragqueen, no matter the boobsize. T_T
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    Kanojo mo Kanojo - Vol. 5 Ch. 42 - Please, Shino-san!

    Oh, but threesomes are holesome alright ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Wait, you meant wholesome. Ok, my mistake, forget i said anything.
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    The Duke of Death and His Black Maid - Vol. 12 Ch. 161 - Outfit of Freedom

    Cant wait for the next part of the "Walter gets a crime-fighting magical girl alter ego" subplot!
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    G Joshi! - Vol. 3 Ch. 17 - To climax, to receive

    What a rollercoaster! First plain funny like usual, then going for the "oh shit, that actually kinda gets me going" route with a little group-session, and then finally getting told the truth straight on, only to give us a little hope by telling them "why not try to bang someone". My emotions are...
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    Kemono Jihen - Vol. 13 Ch. 48 - Shining Maple Leaves

    Ladys and gentleman, best girl is back in action, I repeat, best girl is back in action.
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    Getsuyoubi no Tawawa - Vol. 1 Ch. 6 - Ai-chan, Part 4

    The way he phrased it when he pointed out the cute <3
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    Altough i dont like the artstyle, i think thats a nice example of the relationship between Zorro and Sanji. They may not really like eachother, but they respect eachother and cover eachothers back in serious situations. Just think back on their general badassery during the "Davy Back Fight" arc...
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    My Home Hero - Vol. 10 Ch. 80 - Two Requests

    Things can still turn around! The call wasnt recorded, at least it doesnt seem like it was. And even if it was, he only said "wait for tomorrow" and "please destroy the syndicate". The shitty cop still has no real evidence, the only thing that changed is that now he knows he is right. So as long...