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  1. UPR

    Fire Force - Vol. 26 Ch. 226 - When All's Said and Done

    Kid can't understand jack shit
  2. UPR

    Shaman King - Vol. 7 Ch. 60 - Reason

    @Garuuda Jesus. I know it's been a ysar, big Jesus man kinda rude
  3. UPR

    Hitoribocchi no Isekai Kouryaku - Vol. 3 Ch. 25 - Oh, It Seems The Lady Said Something!

    My dude the MC be a mix of Douche and Chad at the same time. Also tf needs the prez permission?
  4. UPR

    Jisatsutou - Vol. 17 Ch. 161 - What this island needs

    While I'm not one to like the translations to have those kind of notes...the kind of things that they are saying isn't wrong.
  5. UPR

    Fire Force - Vol. 26 Ch. 223 - The Roughneck Departs

    @Gigatitan88 hell yeah bro
  6. UPR

    Fire Force - Vol. 26 Ch. 223 - The Roughneck Departs

    My man Benimaru about to create a good fight
  7. UPR

    The Girl from Random Chatting! - Ch. 121 - Jerk

    Joonwoo making correct decisions, but they are still gonna meet cause fuck plot
  8. UPR

    Tokyo卍Revengers - Vol. 18 Ch. 161 - The baby of the Family

    To those who are saying why it's fast... I honestly don't know lets just hope that it reaches a long chapter soon
  9. UPR

    Domestic na Kanojo - Vol. 28 Ch. 276 - Domestic Girlfriend

    Disappointed, but I will miss when this series was just picking up into a great story. Oh well time to sink with the rest of my fellow NatxRui shippers
  10. UPR

    The Girl from Random Chatting! - Ch. 120 - Ah?

    Joon-woo is bout to need a funeral service
  11. UPR

    Domestic na Kanojo - Ch. 276.1 - Memories With Rui

    @youdontknowwho, when I mean readers I mean the western one's as the Japanese readers are doing their own thing. While yes it is bad to go after someone cause of a story I am still upset about the ending (not "feeling like harassing the author" kind of upset) but upset that it went the way it...
  12. UPR

    Domestic na Kanojo - Ch. 276.1 - Memories With Rui

    @Prophetboi I think your a small margin, cause most of the fans are pissed that she pulled the coma card and just shot the ending in the leg
  13. UPR

    Tokyo卍Revengers - Vol. 18 Ch. 160 - Stand No Chance

    This manga is straying a bunch, but I still have hope
  14. UPR

    Tokyo卍Revengers - Vol. 18 Ch. 159 - I Know In My Head

    @faniki I ditto your comment
  15. UPR

    Fire Force - Vol. 4 Ch. 31 - The Spreading Flames of Malice

    Man manga is the best. Actually shows blood and semi gore
  16. UPR


    To those of you who are complaining that this is bullshit just know. You're partially correct; the ending may seem a bit rushed because it is. The author had some personal events happen so the manga itself is more rushed from that. While you certain people who call this bullshit or a bad ending...
  17. UPR

    Super Sadistic Sisters - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

    It's an art thats for sure @teddylopez
  18. UPR


    @Chrisj19925 yeah what Don said