Search results

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    The Hero Girl and the Green Magician

    I hope the goblins goes alpha
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    Mad Chimera World

    I'm a bit creeped out by this manga... still good tho
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    Soredemo Boku wa Kimi ga Suki

    I will only read this when it's completed. Too much beta for me.
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    The Rain and the Other Side of You

    Very good stuff. Next chapter when? :-)
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    Chapter 8 best chapter.
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    Yuuhi Romance

    Damn. It's only 11 chapters, wanted some more of this good stuff.
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    Chikyuu wa Boku ga Mawasu

    Gives me a nostalgic feel.
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    Semete, Ano Yuki no You ni

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    Bokutachi ga Yarimashita

    Thanks for translating! I'm also praying that we don't end in ntr... We've avoided several bullets, but will our luck run out soon?
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    Hasumi-kun to Hasumi-san

    Veri nicu mango. Thanks for uploading FredFriendly!
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    Ani no Yome to Kurashite Imasu.

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    Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san

    Ship has sailed Let's go booiiiiiss
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    Haru to Bonkura

    So absurd that it's good. And it kind of makes more sense than some other super serious manga out there.
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    17-sai Degree Celsius

    I really like the characters. I don't understand the ending very well either... She got together with mc in the end?
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    Official "Test" Manga

    Only the chosen ones can read this manga.
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    Kami-sama ga Uso wo Tsuku.

    Damn this was good. Short and good. You really can find some good hidden gems now when mangadex is still young.
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    Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki

    So much relationships politics, but still interesting. I hope they take a more casual approach.
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    Yuki ni Tsubasa

    Mc is so beta. He runs away way too much...
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    Blank Canvas: My So-Called Artist's Journey

    This is still one of my favorite manga. I need to get all the volumes in japanese, just as collectibles lol.
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    Watashi no Shounen

    I like this manga.