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  1. Yatagan

    Gyaru Maid to Akuyaku Reijou ~Ojou-sama no Happy End shika Katan!~ - Ch. 9 - Punishment

    Was not at all expecting her hand to just get blown off.
  2. Yatagan

    Drama Queen - Ch. 1 - Who Needs Love When You've Got Rage?

    Not really inclined to instantly declare what this is based off of the first chapter, what is meant to be a possible hook for the series. And the hook/buzz about it clearly works with it gaining tons of attention on Manga Plus (319k views at time of writing, versus say 180k for the last chapter...
  3. Yatagan

    Gokumama ~Gokudou Datta Ore ga Mama ni Natta Hanashi~ - Ch. 1

    Could be fun, I'm hoping we get some moments where she get to beat the fuck out of someone for bothering her son.
  4. Yatagan

    Vinland Saga - Ch. 216 - Thousand Year Voyage Part 25

  5. Yatagan

    Nobunaga no Chef - Ch. 114

    Peak is back. Thank you for picking this up.
  6. Yatagan

    Mieruko-chan - Ch. 61

    Honestly, kinda a cool concept for a medium.
  7. Yatagan

    Ogami Tsumiki to Kinichijou - Ch. 43 - Tsumiki-san and Sunny Day

    That's actually a really sweet chapter. I was half afraid he was going to fall, again, while climbing though.
  8. Yatagan

    Instant Regret - Ch. 14

    Took two years, but I'm just glad someone gave us a translated ending.
  9. Yatagan

    Issho ni Kurashite ii desu ka? - Vol. 3 Ch. 23 - What is a Date Expert?

    Went from going "wait who the hell is this" to "OH SHIT"
  10. Yatagan

    Issho ni Kurashite ii desu ka? - Vol. 3 Ch. 21 - What is a New Job?

    Oh I was so scared this dude was going to be weird af, but this is gonna be fun.
  11. Yatagan

    Senpai ga Uzai Kouhai no Hanashi - Ch. 231

    Alternate universe where the can nails her right on the forehead.
  12. Yatagan

    Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 13 Ch. 101

    I get it I get it but I hope we get to his comeback arc here soon since we all know where this is going.
  13. Yatagan

    Sono Bisque Doll wa Koi o Suru - Vol. 13 Ch. 99

    Not sure if something like this happens at cosplay conventions often but I imagine you'd become a instant celebrity over a few hours. Super curious how this'll affect future chapters. Good stuff.
  14. Yatagan

    Haiena-chan ni Nerawarete - Ch. 21

    "Cool she's going to learn to foster love for another and grow as a per-OH JESUS CHRIST"
  15. Yatagan

    Zangyaku Sugiru Isekai demo Suzuki wa Kawaii - Vol. 1 Ch. 1

    Oh cool Iruma 2.0 As far as "uwahhh!!!! epic isekai harem cheat!!!!!" manga go, this could be actually cute and novel.
  16. Yatagan

    Sensitive Boy - Vol. 4 Ch. 34 - Parting Ways

    ...this feels kind of out of nowhere and something that a more poorly written manga would have used as a plot point, honestly. I dunno, just doesn't sell it for me.
  17. Yatagan

    Haiena-chan ni Nerawarete - Ch. 11

    Did she just do a Raging Demon?
  18. Yatagan

    Ogre no Aniki to Doreichan - Vol. 1 Ch. 3 - Ogre and Necessity Meeting

    Hell of a thing to come back out of the blue! Pleasant surprise. Thanks for the translation.