wtf is with the last page? Give her the d wtfffffffffffffffff???????
Plus maybe we could get some development tho but i mean he learned these things then proceeds to go back again so hmmmmm a development would be appreciated =->
This will either be the beginning of the end or the beginning of the beginning hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm,
because you know her changing may actually make sensei realize that she's like this or she's like that
i expected that shit will happen but yeah in the end i can see them happening -_-
well the imouto was cuter than i expected so theres that
2nd wtf is with that 5th page "which one will i play first" that shit is something hahahahah
@johnpoop2529 bro i dont like lolis as well but i dont hate them (im not a fan of lolis or something) so idk what youre talking about dude
See this is a problem with multiple personality,you just don't know who or what part of her will be to your liking sooooo yeah big problem as in BIG PROBLEM
Btw my fave is Nanakura herself and cheeky chan so don't blame me blame my trash taste
Bruh if has sick,he treats all nakita types as nanakura just. Wow I wish he does this all the time
Ofcourse I know her other sides are part of the joke but you maybe just maybe
Just came after dropping this manga for some months now soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yeah 1 fucking chapter of this season 1 is enough to satisfy me than the whole season 2 itself(technically speaking i didnt even tried to finish the 3rd chapter of season 2 soooooo just the idea of it suxx)...