Aww thank you for the work so far!!
Looking forward to new updates.
Anyways, ML better take care of that face. He should sleep more. hee
Haha struggle is real
Exactly, what he did and how he acts is just douchey (how to spell?) . I don't really want her to end up with any of them. I just want her to be a confident and strong Queen of her own right.
Like what @lemonadeandsalt said.
Oh this guy. I hope he doesn't just take her as a wife without revealing his identity. Hmmm but I think between him and her, Yeon-ah might win against this manchildbeast wateva u r
Also, seriously his guards are hilarious🤣🤣🤣
I wonder if he has a hidden identity. I mean he was the only reader, now the worlds merged and currently has no backer. He wouldn't be like those other MC that are actually kings/emperors/gods . . . right????