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  1. asdfgh1111

    Maou no Musume wa Yasashi Sugiru!! - Ch. 33.5

    I'd love to see Dou and Mary sharing a pudding, I think they'd be good friends. Although it might be a bit to much sugar for any diabetic viewers.
  2. asdfgh1111

    Boku no Ma na Musume - Ch. 8 - Sami-chan and the Demon (1)

    If he thinks it's bad now wait until she's in her teens.
  3. asdfgh1111

    The Big Bees - Ch. 49 - Artisanal Insight

    Let the would-bee artisan work, so that we may gaze upon the lopsided wonders it creates!
  4. asdfgh1111

    Isekai Mofumofu Cafe - Vol. 3 Ch. 15

    These cats seem unrealistic. Where is the air of superiority, the mixture of mild contempt and indifference that's only set aside convenient for them (when they want food/attention)? I can buy the magic, cat gods transporting people to new worlds and stuff but the cats just feel wrong.
  5. asdfgh1111

    Mary-san - Ch. 184

    The real reward for honesty is getting to share the pudding with Mary. Food always tastes better with friends.
  6. asdfgh1111

    Isekai Tensei Slum Machi kara no Nariagari - Ch. 2.2

    That knife would be terrible for chopping or mincing and it looks to thick to work as a boning knife. With how he's cutting he'd just be banging his hand against the board the entire time. I could see it working for skinning or breaking down a carcass but that's about it. If he keeps this up...
  7. asdfgh1111

    Mary-san - Ch. 183

    Mary should get on her shoulders so they can pull a "mecha shiva". That'll spook the kid.
  8. asdfgh1111

    Mary-san - Ch. 181

    I thought she was a discarded doll that got possessed by yokai spirits or something, does she even count as a ghost? I'm not sure how this works. Also since she's a doll, I don't think she can get cavities but she should still brush so she wont have bad breath. Rip in peace mary.
  9. asdfgh1111

    Seichou Cheat de Nandemo Dekiru you ni Natta ga, Mushoku dake wa Yamerarenai you desu - Vol. 19 Ch. 66

    He's touching fluffy tail while she's right there in between them and then holding hands in public, this is some messed up exhibitionist shit. Fucking degenerates.
  10. asdfgh1111

    Mainichi Ie ni Kuru Gal ga Kyorikan Zero Demo Yasashiku nai - Ch. 6

    Damn, MC is losing weigh fast I assume this is what he'll look like in three or four chapters.
  11. asdfgh1111

    Mairimashita! Iruma-kun - Ch. 359 - A Place You Want to Be

    I'm not sure why Clara is getting kicked out of the tent. She's been shown to sleep in the same bed as Iruma and Azz multiple times and we all know she's far to pure for anything untoward to happen. She's a good girl let her back in.
  12. asdfgh1111

    The Big Bees - Ch. 46 - The Bees Experience Flight

    They should just load them up into a big ass slingshot or if someone is feeling particularly courageous, they should come on down south and climb into one of our many fine pumpkin canons We may need to give them little helmets and parachute though.
  13. asdfgh1111

    Seventh - Vol. 1 Ch. 4.1 - The Successive Family Heads (part1)

    Man, this artist has some real trouble with hands and especially fingernails.
  14. asdfgh1111

    Seventh - Vol. 1 Ch. 1.2 - The First Jewel (part2)

    So far this has done a good job of showing how completely out classed the MC is, it should be a lot more satisfying when he finally wins. I hate it when the MC just breezes through every thing with a "cheat", it's nice seeing a hero have to actually work hard to grow mature, and become...
  15. asdfgh1111

    Dorei kara no Kitai to Hyouka no sei de Sakushu dekinai no daga - Vol. 2 Ch. 10

    Translator, ya fucked up! This is obviously meant to be a reference to Magikarps most intimidating move "splash". Though I think it was "hop" in japanese. Other than this one serous oversite, you did fine.
  16. asdfgh1111

    Mary-san - Ch. 175

    I appreciate that they're going with an era appropriate sweet.
  17. asdfgh1111

    Arakure Ojousama wa Monmon Shiteiru - Ch. 42 - Exotic Island, Exciting Story

    There are so, so many things I want to say, so many horrible, awful jokes about the Maldives and the people that live there but I know this account would be nuked from orbit soon as I did.