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  1. Truerror

    Oh, Our General Myao - Vol. 2 Ch. 21 - In which Myao makes an announcement

    If my candidates are all like this (meaning, cute lolis who'll give you diabetes just by looking at them) then I'd never skip a vote.
  2. Truerror

    Kitsune to Pancake - Vol. 2 Ch. 15

    @FredCross047 Sorry, I need additional insulin, so I took yours... I mean, that last page with the "stomp, stomp" kinda did me in...
  3. Truerror


    @junkerr Is there even a complete translation of the first volume (nevermind the second)?
  4. Truerror


    Shueisha's webapp isn't the best, but I'm still grateful that this manga is still being translated actively. The mangaka is taking another hiatus though.
  5. Truerror

    Rinjin-chan ga Shinpai - Vol. 1 Ch. 17

    @Lswarmruler Strangely apt description. And pretty concise too.
  6. Truerror

    Ochikobore Fruit Tart

    Another double release! Thanks!
  7. Truerror

    Rinjin-chan ga Shinpai - Vol. 1 Ch. 16

    Water goes unyuuu~ and Rin-chan goes nauuu~
  8. Truerror

    Useless Ponko - Vol. 6 Ch. 43 - Goodbye Ponko

  9. Truerror

    Hatarakanai Futari - Vol. 13 Ch. 777 - Blackout

    Lucky number 777! Reminds me of my days playing FF.
  10. Truerror

    Hatarakanai Futari - Vol. 13 Ch. 775 - Homecoming

    Well, big bro is back, so at least Haruko-chan wouldn't feel lonely.
  11. Truerror

    Oh, Our General Myao - Vol. 2 Ch. 20 - In which Myao has a stomachache

    I mean, toilet paper is a daily necessity, so it's not wrong... 🤣
  12. Truerror

    Rinjin-chan ga Shinpai - Vol. 1 Ch. 15

    Oh hey, it's a nau new dragon loli! 💕
  13. Truerror

    Rinjin-chan ga Shinpai - Vol. 1 Ch. 14

    @Niko200104 Wait, a triple post?? Well, fine by me! More cuteness is always welcome! 😄
  14. Truerror

    Miss Shachiku and the Little Baby Ghost

    @Darthskippy Aw... 😞 Well, I can't force you to continue if you yourself aren't willing to. Hopefully you'll find your drive again though.
  15. Truerror

    Rinjin-chan ga Shinpai - Vol. 1 Ch. 13

    Well, of course she'd smile. I'm smiling too. 😀
  16. Truerror

    Oh, Our General Myao - Vol. 2 Ch. 19 - In which Myao becomes an artist.

    That last panel (the one right before the "thank you for reading" page) is something I can myself doing, if a smol dictator gives me her doodle.
  17. Truerror

    Hatarakanai Futari

    Am here for Haruko. Although big bro is also really cool.
  18. Truerror

    Hatarakanai Futari - Vol. 10 Ch. 590 - Scumbag

    For anyone else reading this in the future and thinks it's a douchebag move, 1. It is. 2. It's also used in almost all (if not all) professional football matches. The defender would harass opposing players, either physsically, or verbally, in an attempt to rile them up and hopefully get them to...