@jmikeg well yeah, but he gave her that cuz it wasn't compatible with him and his frosted halberd was more powerful so he had no use for it
It wasn't a proper gift
The guys that sniped Anjou said almost the same thing, hatigarm dropped it and it's been months since the last chapter was translated 🤔
If you don't do that I won't really care about the snipping (not that I care or that it matters that much)
@da @Seihanda is not a multiverse my dudes this is the simulation hypothesis, since they're talking about how beings of a higher dimension created them (this manga's world) and beings of and even higher dimension created those others and so on, is far from being the same
So he just happened to have tickets to watch something that relates to her hobby and thought "meh might as well ask Rin" you know the girl that asked him to go on a date not to long ago
this man is making big brain plays, that or even the gods ship them
@MagiciansBlack I think that manbagi came to like tadano cuz of his kindness and didn't thought he was being kind to her due to him having feelings for her so tadano isn't really at fault here and this isn't that type situation, Manbagi just fell in love with that aspect of him (and him as a...
"I pointed my sword at the demon king without knowing he was the demon king... and he fell in love with me?!" The newest love comedy that's sure to make your heart go wild
@JigokuShounen something like that
if I remember correctly volume 9 was specially crafted so people that watched the anime could buy it even if they hadn't read prior volumes (smart tactic if you ask me) they even released a special edition signed by kana hanazawa xD
@Darklight99 vol 9 is basically a side story that happens between 119 and 120, as far as I'm aware nothing on that volume (aside from 119.1) was published weekly on the magazine so it's being treated as an extra
That's probably why they're translating vol 10 at the same time too
@EtanRed el chadano es usado irónicamente, nadie realmente piensa que se follaria a todas
Aquí es más tu no entiendo el humor tan raro que pueden llegar a usar que otra cosa